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ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL LANDMARK APPLICATION lAttachment 1 3 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,AGRICULTURE, PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> LOCAL LANDMARK APPLICATION <br /> The Orange County Local Landmark Program (LLP)application is a two-part process. Page 1 of the <br /> application represents the first part of the process. Pages 2 and 3 include the core questions regarding <br /> the history and architectural significance of the property. Page 4 is for office use only. Interested <br /> applicants should submit the first part of this application along with a representative selection of current <br /> photographs of the property to preservation staff in the Department of Environment,Agriculture, Parks <br /> and Recreation. Photos should include the exterior of the house, outbuildings, and any other elements-- <br /> such as landscaping features or the view from the road—that will give the Historic Preservation <br /> Commission (HPC)a sense of the character of the site, <br /> The HPC will consider the property at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Applicants are encouraged to <br /> attend the meeting to discuss what they feel is'significant about the site. The HPC will use the criteria <br /> system outlined in Pages 5 through 7 to evaluate the site and to determine if the property appears eligible <br /> for the LLP. If the property appears to be eligible, the applicant will be directed to complete the remainder <br /> of the application. This does not mean that a property is being designated to the LLP; rather it means <br /> that the property appears likely to qualify for designation. <br /> The County's historic preservation ordinance requires the submittal of a Survey and Research Report for <br /> each property under consideration for Local Landmark status. Property owners can arrange with <br /> preservation staff to complete the Survey if one is not already on file. The Research Report is an in-depth <br /> analysis of the history and architectural significance of the site, similar to the report used to nominate a <br /> property for the National Register of Historic Places. (See preservation staff for a sample NR <br /> nomination,) If the site is listed in the National Register, the applicant may submit the completed <br /> nomination form for use as the Research Report. Please note, however, that the LLP and the National <br /> Register of Historic Places are two entirely distinct and separate programs. <br /> Pages 2-3 of the Local Landmark application are designed to provide the applicant with the basic <br /> framework to prepare a Research Report. Some applicants, particularly those with experience in chain of <br /> title research, may be able to provide sufficient information in the application to serve as the Report. <br /> Others may need to hire a consultant to research and write the history and architectural description of the <br /> property. Applicants with little or no historic or architectural information on their property should contact <br /> preservation staff to discuss different options for completing this portion of the application. <br /> Once the application form (Pages 2-3) and the Survey and Research Report are completed, preservation <br /> staff will submit the application materials to the HPC for its next regular meeting. The HPC mill pay <br /> particular attention to question#5, the Statement of Significance, to identify the most important elements <br /> of the property that should be preserved when considering future Certificate of Appropriateness <br /> applications. If the HPC accepts the Survey and Research Report preservation staff will forward the <br /> entire application (form, Survey and Report) to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The HPC <br /> will consider the SHPO's comments at its next regular meeting. If the HPC decides that the property is <br /> eligible for the program it will request a public hearing with the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). <br /> After the public hearing the HPC will submit its formal recommendations to the BOCC. The BOCC will <br /> make the final decision on whether to designate the property as a Local Landmark. <br /> A flow chart and time-schedule checklist of the process are attached for more information, <br />