Agenda - 12-15-2015 - 5a - Joint Public Hearing with the Historic Preservation Commission Regarding the Proposed Designation of the Nicholas Corbett Hester House as an Orange County Local Historic Landmark
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-15-2015 - 5a - Joint Public Hearing with the Historic Preservation Commission Regarding the Proposed Designation of the Nicholas Corbett Hester House as an Orange County Local Historic Landmark
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Last modified
12/11/2015 8:59:17 AM
Creation date
12/10/2015 4:37:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-15-2015
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2015
ORD-2015-035 Ordinance of the OC BOCC Designating the Property Known as the Nicholas Corbett Hester House in Orange County, NC as a Local Historic Landmark
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2015
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ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL LANDMARK APPLICATION lAttachment 1 3 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,AGRICULTURE, PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> LOCAL LANDMARK APPLICATION <br /> The Orange County Local Landmark Program (LLP)application is a two-part process. Page 1 of the <br /> application represents the first part of the process. Pages 2 and 3 include the core questions regarding <br /> the history and architectural significance of the property. Page 4 is for office use only. Interested <br /> applicants should submit the first part of this application along with a representative selection of current <br /> photographs of the property to preservation staff in the Department of Environment,Agriculture, Parks <br /> and Recreation. Photos should include the exterior of the house, outbuildings, and any other elements-- <br /> such as landscaping features or the view from the road—that will give the Historic Preservation <br /> Commission (HPC)a sense of the character of the site, <br /> The HPC will consider the property at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Applicants are encouraged to <br /> attend the meeting to discuss what they feel is'significant about the site. The HPC will use the criteria <br /> system outlined in Pages 5 through 7 to evaluate the site and to determine if the property appears eligible <br /> for the LLP. If the property appears to be eligible, the applicant will be directed to complete the remainder <br /> of the application. This does not mean that a property is being designated to the LLP; rather it means <br /> that the property appears likely to qualify for designation. <br /> The County's historic preservation ordinance requires the submittal of a Survey and Research Report for <br /> each property under consideration for Local Landmark status. Property owners can arrange with <br /> preservation staff to complete the Survey if one is not already on file. The Research Report is an in-depth <br /> analysis of the history and architectural significance of the site, similar to the report used to nominate a <br /> property for the National Register of Historic Places. (See preservation staff for a sample NR <br /> nomination,) If the site is listed in the National Register, the applicant may submit the completed <br /> nomination form for use as the Research Report. Please note, however, that the LLP and the National <br /> Register of Historic Places are two entirely distinct and separate programs. <br /> Pages 2-3 of the Local Landmark application are designed to provide the applicant with the basic <br /> framework to prepare a Research Report. Some applicants, particularly those with experience in chain of <br /> title research, may be able to provide sufficient information in the application to serve as the Report. <br /> Others may need to hire a consultant to research and write the history and architectural description of the <br /> property. Applicants with little or no historic or architectural information on their property should contact <br /> preservation staff to discuss different options for completing this portion of the application. <br /> Once the application form (Pages 2-3) and the Survey and Research Report are completed, preservation <br /> staff will submit the application materials to the HPC for its next regular meeting. The HPC mill pay <br /> particular attention to question#5, the Statement of Significance, to identify the most important elements <br /> of the property that should be preserved when considering future Certificate of Appropriateness <br /> applications. If the HPC accepts the Survey and Research Report preservation staff will forward the <br /> entire application (form, Survey and Report) to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The HPC <br /> will consider the SHPO's comments at its next regular meeting. If the HPC decides that the property is <br /> eligible for the program it will request a public hearing with the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). <br /> After the public hearing the HPC will submit its formal recommendations to the BOCC. The BOCC will <br /> make the final decision on whether to designate the property as a Local Landmark. <br /> A flow chart and time-schedule checklist of the process are attached for more information, <br />
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