Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 9, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~ ~~ <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award: Lighting at the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste <br />Convenience Center <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing, Solid Waste PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT (S): <br />1) Bid Tabulation <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, 245-2652 <br />Gayle Wilson, 968-2885 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid to Tommy Lawrence Electrical Contractors of Roxboro, <br />North Carolina for installing outdoor lighting at the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste <br />Convenience Center. <br />BACKGROUND: In April of 2007, the County completed construction to expand the Walnut <br />Grove Church Road Solid Waste Convenience Center in order to provide expanded services <br />due to the closing of the Highway 57 site. Lighting for the expansion was not included in the <br />construction in April in order to expedite the site's completion. Time is now of the essence as <br />days become shorter and the center cannot be operated safely without proper lighting. <br />Gary Merritt, a lighting PE, developed specifications for this project. Developed plans were <br />submitted to the County Planning Department and approved for style of lighting fixtures and light <br />containment on site. Approval was based on compliance with County Code of Ordinances Sec. <br />50 -167 through 172. A bid call was advertised on the County website and sent to seven <br />contractors. Bids were received on September 13, with two bidders responding. A tabulation of <br />the bids is attached and Tommy Lawrence Electrical Contractors of Roxboro, North Carolina <br />submitted the lowest responsible bid that was responsive at a total cost of $26,722. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost, if approved by the Board, would be $26.722. Funds are <br />available in the FY2007/08 Solid Waste Management Department Budget to fund this <br />expenditure. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board award a bid to Tommy <br />Lawrence Electrical Contractors of Roxboro, North Carolina for an amount not to exceed <br />$26,722; and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute and sign paperwork as may be <br />required. <br />