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In consultation with the Fire Marshal and Orange County Emergency Services staff is <br /> recommending a condition requiring the final size of required waterlines to be <br /> determined at time of permitting with the review and approval of the Orange County <br /> Fire Marshal. <br /> 8. Several BOCC members asked for clarification on the proposed septic system for the <br /> project. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 3 of the abstract for the applicant's <br /> response. <br /> 9. Planning staff indicated the applicant was asked to provide additional detail on proposed <br /> landscaping in and around individual residential structures. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 3 of the abstract for the applicant's <br /> response. <br /> At the July 1, 2015 Planning Board meeting the following additional information was requested: <br /> 1. A Planning Board member asked if there were any marketing materials available for the <br /> project and, if so, if copies could be provided. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 5 of the abstract for the applicant's <br /> response. <br /> 2. Several Planning Board members asked if the applicant was going to allow for the creation <br /> of recreational amenities/land uses on the property. There was a concern expressed over <br /> requiring the applicant to come back through the process to amend the approved Conditional <br /> Zoning district to add a recreational amenity. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: The site plan has been modified to include identified recreation <br /> areas. <br /> The proposed development conditions contained in Attachment 9 were modified to <br /> spell out permitted recreational amenities for residents. <br /> 3. A Planning Board member asked for a more detailed breakdown of anticipated farm <br /> activities that would be allowed on the property. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 5 of the abstract for the applicant's <br /> response. <br /> 4. The Planning Director asked the applicant to provide additional information on the promotion <br /> of"crime prevention through environmental design". <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Please refer to Attachment 5 of the abstract for the applicant's <br /> response. <br /> Michael Harvey reviewed the detailed information in the abstract and the Planning <br /> Board's recommendation. <br /> Chair McKee asked if the letter of consistency is in attachment 7 or 8. <br /> Michael Harvey said attachment 7 contains the letter of consistency approved by the <br /> Planning Board, under their signature. He said attachment 8 contains a letter of consistency <br /> for the BOCC to approve on its own. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to the list of the conditions on page 64 and asked if <br /> there are specific square footage requirements for meeting facilities. <br /> Michael Harvey said the Applicant did not propose one and the planning staff did not <br /> feel it necessary to require one. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> close the public hearing, and to adopt the Statement of Consistency, contained within <br />