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Commissioner Rich said the laws could be placed on a bike map of Orange County, on <br /> the web or in hard copy. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> refer the resolution back to the Manager to be fleshed out, and for the Manager do all she said <br /> and the Board will revisit this in January or February 2016. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Community Giving Fund Update <br /> The Board received an update on the Orange County Community Giving fund, its <br /> evolution to date, and its anticipated future developments and provide comments and direction <br /> as appropriate. <br /> Bob Marotto, Orange County Animal Services Director, reviewed the following <br /> information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> In 2013, the Orange County Community Giving Fund was created as a mechanism for <br /> residents and others to make donations to the County for specific public purposes. The fund is <br /> County-wide and all departments have an equal opportunity to participate in this purpose. <br /> The creation of the fund was partially in response to feedback that there may be <br /> hesitations on the part of the public to donate to the County's general fund. Of special concern <br /> was that people did not believe that they are able to decide where and how donated money is <br /> used. Additionally, the ability to roll funds over from one year to another was challenging and a <br /> secondary fetter on purposive giving. <br /> The Community Giving Fund, in contrast, contains a structure that guarantees <br /> donations will only be used for the specified purpose for which they are made. It also has an <br /> advantage of rolling funds over from year to year for specific projects and programs that may <br /> be long-term and unable to be completed in a shorter time frame. All donations to the fund are <br /> tax-exempt. <br /> The fund has continued to grow annually, in both scope and size, with several changes <br /> being made along the way as the County has become more familiar with its opportunities and <br /> how to most effectively fit them to its needs. One of these has been introducing the ability to <br /> refresh the menu of giving opportunities on a semi-annual basis as needs change and grow <br /> within departments or on the County level. Another has been the introduction of the fund to the <br /> County's Combined Giving Campaign, a change that first took place in 2014 and will continue <br /> for the upcoming 2015 drive. <br /> Most recently the County has begun to connect larger initiatives to the potential <br /> provided by the Community Giving Fund. Illustrations include the Family Success Alliance, My <br /> Brother's Keeper, and the Veteran's Memorial. In the latter case, efforts were underway to find <br /> a suitable donation mechanism for the memorial; and ultimately, funds were transferred from <br /> another source into the Community Giving Fund to jumpstart the project. <br /> Currently, the managing committee for the Community Giving Fund is considering <br /> extending outreach about the fund to civic groups active in the County. It is anticipated that this <br /> would take place in the form of in-person presentations to a broad range of active civic <br /> organizations in Orange County. In addition to its form and content, thought is being given to <br /> the timing of such an outreach initiative. <br />