Orange County NC Website
but in the rural community this protection does not exist. She asked if the BOCC could please <br /> help in the Orange Grove community. <br /> Stanley Ray Hoffman lives in Chapel Hill and has been a cyclist for over 50 years. He <br /> said he uses the highways and roads. He said he appreciated the discussion but suggested if <br /> the topic could be seen from his perspective it would be different. He said motorists are the <br /> dangerous ones and laws should be enforced as they apply to both motorists and cyclists. He <br /> said he is happy to see a Sheriff's car anytime. He said cyclists are traffic on the road and <br /> most obey the law. He said they want law enforcement to enforce the law anywhere and <br /> anytime. <br /> Commissioner Price said she wanted to re-visit the idea of a sub-committee and is <br /> open to suggestions. <br /> John Roberts said the BOCC could direct the OUTBoard to create a sub-committee <br /> without staff support. <br /> Commissioner Rich said it sounds like there is already a group from the OUTBoard that <br /> are discussing this topic and asked if Heidi Perry could confirm. <br /> Heidi Perry said when the report was put together in June, a sub-committee of the <br /> OUTBoard and residents was formed. She said this is doable again. <br /> Commissioner Rich said this should be a continuing committee to help achieve some of <br /> their proposed goals and to create an action plan. <br /> Heidi Perry said it may be helpful to have some data to support generalizations and <br /> suggested bringing in Highway Patrol. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the OUTBoard already has a sub-committee and to re- <br /> convene it. She said it is important to have some sort of funding mechanism for this issue and <br /> suggested that the subcommittee bring back a recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said a subcommittee of the OUTBoard would be just members <br /> of the OUTBoard and he suggested adding more members of the community. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to the Manager not recommending a task force and <br /> said he believes there are things the Board can do, including a more specific resolution. He <br /> said the specific items on the abstract should be put in the resolution. He said having some <br /> designated bike trails is something the County could do, providing other places for people to <br /> ride. He said more funding could be put into the roads, more than just a sign. He said law <br /> enforcement could monitor certain trouble areas. He said there could be a more <br /> comprehensive approach and to bring the different partners together through a sub-committee <br /> or committee. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Board charged the OUTBoard to look at this issue last <br /> year, and she seeks to continue the conversation. She said the subcommittee could include <br /> community members. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said when the petition came last year the issue arose that the <br /> OUTBoard cannot appoint outside members, but the BOCC can appoint other citizens outside <br /> of the group. She said the BOCC could create a charge to help the task force to succeed, <br /> staying within the areas where the County has authority. <br /> Commissioner Rich said citizens came to the OUTBoard's previous committee <br /> meetings. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said those citizens were not appointed to the committee, but rather <br /> the citizens just attended. <br /> John Roberts said one of the charges for the OUTBoard is to solicit information from <br /> the public, and that is acceptable without formal appointment. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said some boards hold community forums for specific issues <br /> and encouraged the OUTBoard to continue this discussion. She said there is a lot of <br />