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The Board considered approving a resolution supporting public and private efforts to <br /> increase safety awareness between motorists and bicyclists, roadway safety improvements for <br /> bicyclists, and authorizing next steps. <br /> Abigaile Pittman, Orange County Planning and Inspections, said staff was directed to <br /> bring this item back to the Board of County Commissioners this fall. She reviewed the <br /> recommendations included in the abstract, as well as the proposed resolution. She noted that <br /> the recommendation regarding a task force is not supported by the County Manager's Office. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she wanted to elaborate about not recommending a task <br /> force. She said she had conversations with the Sheriff, and the County has accomplished <br /> most of that over which the County has jurisdiction. She said setting up a County task force <br /> without jurisdiction will lead to failure. She said the State Patrol does the enforcement, and the <br /> Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for County roads. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier referred to page 2, saying a lot of it refers to what DOT does. <br /> She asked if requests have been made to DOT for any of these improvements. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said these items have been discussed with DOT at past meetings. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said DOT is aware of this report and the bicycle safety group has met <br /> with both the DOT and the Sheriff's office. She said DOT is willing to review some of these <br /> improvements but it has to be for more than just bicycles. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to page 2, item number 3. She asked if there are current <br /> enforcement efforts that are seeking to be enhanced. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said the County does not have such authority and these efforts would <br /> fall under the Sheriff's office. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the Sheriff feels that he does not have as much authority as <br /> the Highway Patrol, regarding citations. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the enhancements would be more of an educational <br /> campaign. <br /> Abigaile Pittman said the County can forward this resolution to the DOT and the <br /> Sheriff's office in order to partner with bicycle education and to add information to their present <br /> quarterly meetings, and also add pertinent information to their website about bicycle safety. <br /> Commissioner Rich said all bicycle riders must follow proper road safety. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said enforcement efforts are different than raising public <br /> awareness. He said the Sheriff can enforce traffic safety issues and the Sheriff's office knows <br /> where the more critical spots are. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there could be a sub-committee of the Orange Unified <br /> Transportation Board (OUTBoard), which could meet with residents to continue the <br /> conversation and bring information back to the BOCC. <br /> John Roberts said yes. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if a staff person would have to be tasked to this group or <br /> could just the sub-committee meet. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said this is not about staff. She said one option would be a sub- <br /> committee that has staff available to provide support but the County leading a task force over <br /> which it does not authority would be a challenge. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she could take this information to the Chair of the OUTBoard. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Paul Speight said he is the Deputy Chief of the Orange Grove Fire Departments. He <br /> said about six weeks ago he and the Fire Chief were responding to an EMS call. On the way, <br /> the Chief passed a bicyclist and Paul Speight was following about 500 feet behind. He said as <br /> he approached the bicyclist, the cyclist made an abrupt turn, which caused Paul Speight to <br />