Orange County NC Website
�• triangle community INITIAL INVESTMENT SELECTION FORM <br /> L'qWPFF0L1NDATl0N FOR AGENCY FUND <br /> FUND NAME: Orange County Community Giving Fund <br /> Funds are created at Triangle Community Foundation as either endowed or nonendowed. <br /> Endowed funds are permanent funds invested for the long-term in a diversified portfolio of publicly traded <br /> stocks, hedge funds, real estate, private equity, bonds and cash. Endowed funds are operated under a <br /> spending policy set by TCF and guided by the North Carolina Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional <br /> Funds Act (UPMIFA). Currently up to 5%of an endowed fund's value is available for distribution in the form of <br /> grants on an annual basis. <br /> Nonendowed funds do not have a limitation on distributions and therefore have cash flow needs requiring <br /> greater flexibility. Our Nonendowed Portfolio has both Equity Oriented and Fixed Income Oriented Portfolios. <br /> And assets can also be held in pass-through funds that are not exposed to the stock and bond markets. <br /> Investment policies and investment managers are recommended by the Foundation's Investment Committee <br /> and are approved by the Foundation's Finance Committee. These two committees are also responsible for <br /> monitoring performance. Performance numbers can be obtained by contacting the Foundation or visiting its <br /> website at <br /> Investment Options: please select from either our Endowed or Nonendowed Portfolio Options: <br /> Endowed <br /> Under our present investment strategy, the Foundation has one endowed portfolio. Because we can predict <br /> the cash distributions required of endowed funds (5%), assets in the Endowed portfolio can be invested in a <br /> greater range of asset classes, some of which are less liquid than others, but help balance risk and return more <br /> effectively. <br /> ❑ Endowed Portfolio (60%equities-20%fixed -20%alternatives) <br /> Nonendowed <br /> Fundholders of nonendowed assets may choose between several portfolios. The Equity-Oriented portfolio <br /> closely mirrors the Endowed portfolio, but does not have any exposure to alternative investments since we do <br /> not know the cash distribution needs of nonendowed funds and therefore need to preserve liquidity. <br /> Nonendowed fundholders have the opportunity to change their investment option once a year. For <br /> fundholders who are risk-averse, the Foundation offers pass-through funds which are not exposed to the stock <br /> and bond market. Any income earned is absorbed by the Foundation in lieu of administrative fees. <br /> ❑ Pass-through Fund (not invested) <br /> ❑ Fixed Income Oriented Portfolio (30%equities-70%fixed) <br /> ❑ Equity Oriented Portfolio (75%equities-25%fixed) <br /> 1 <br />