Orange County NC Website
~J' <br />Triangle I Council of Governments <br />Triangle 1 Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman Program <br />JiI1 V. Passmore, Lead e;egional Long'ierm Care Ombudsman <br />P.0. Box 12276 <br />Research Triangle Parlc, N.C. 27709 <br />Phone (919) 558.9401 <br />Fax (919) 932.9919; (919) 998.8101 <br />Email jmpassmore cr, <br />To: Angela Thompson-Roclcett, Assistaait to the Cleric <br />From: Jill Passmore, Lead Regional Long Term Care Ombudsman <br />Date: September 17, 2007 <br />Re: Teresa Gill's reappointment <br />Cc: Laura Deloye, Chair <br />Katherine Leith, Dept. on Aging <br />Teresa Gill was appointed to the Adult Care Home Corrunmuty Advisory Conunittee on <br />August 28, 2006. She is a member in good standing and wishes to be reappointed. Per the BOCC's <br />request, her attendance/participation histo>y oli the committee is as follows: <br />Sept 06 ~ <br />Oct 06 ~ <br />Nov 06 <br />Dec 06 ~ <br />Jan 07 ~ <br />Feb 07 ~ <br />Mar 07 ~ <br />Apz-i107 ~ <br />May 07 ~ <br />June 07 ~ <br />July 07 ~ <br />Aug 07 ~ <br />Sept 07 `' <br />LEGEND <br />~ : fiilfilled colmmittee responsibilities for month (training/visits/meeting/etc) <br />