Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2011-12 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2011-12 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br /> NOW <br /> rd leas encumbrance <br /> carry forwards as <br /> authorized by the annual <br /> budget ordinance #Z Based on #4 Receipt of <br /> #1 Receipt the current year additional revenues <br /> Department t on collections, within Library #6 Receipt of <br /> Aging of additional additional revenues#3 Receipt by DSS Services:Library additional training <br /> Home Community <br /> Care Block Grant {$5,040}are of additional Home State Aid($4,493);#5 BOCC approved class fees of$1,60 <br /> funds($14,000)an anticipated this Community Care Donations- appropriation of to cover the costs of <br /> Encumbrance Budget as Amended fiscal year related t Block Grant funds Triangle $20,000 from the the mentor's Budget as Amended <br /> Original Budget Carry Forwards Budget as Amended through BOA#B a 419 In R of the Department on {$3,578}and Community Orange Grove Fire services at the W. through BOA#7 <br /> Senior 9 in Retired Aging's Fit Feet additional Adult Foundation($500); District's available C.Breeze Faun <br /> Senior Volunteer program{Senior Home Specialist Donations-Friends fund balance Agriculture <br /> Program funds,for <br /> a net Increase of Citizen Health funds($11.588) of the Main Library Extension and <br /> $3,581 for the Promotion- ($400);Donations- Research Facility <br /> department Wellness Grant Carrboro Friends of <br /> Program) the Library($3,000 <br /> Grant Project Fund <br /> Revenues <br /> Inter overnmental $ 442,135 $ 442,135 $ 579,453 <br /> Char es for Services $ 24,000 $ 24,800 ; 72,000 $ 5,000 $ 579,453 <br /> $ 77,400 <br /> Transfer from General Fund $ 71,214 $ 711214 $ T1 214 $ 71,214 <br /> Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ 31,004 <br /> Transfer from Other Funds $ _ $ - $ _ $ 31,000 <br /> ApEropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 7,208 $ 7,283 $ 7,208 <br /> Total Revenues $ 537,3491$ 7,208 $ 544,5571$ 760,375 $ 7,208 <br /> $ 765,876 <br /> Expenditures <br /> NCACC Employee Wellness Grant $ - $ _ $ 5,000 <br /> $ 5,000 <br /> Governing and Management $ - $ - $ - $ 5,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ . $ 5,000 <br /> NPDES Grant $ - $ - $ - $ $0,700 $ 84,704 <br /> Growing New Farmers Grant $ - $ - $ 30,000 <br /> $ 30,000 <br /> Communit y and Environment $ - $ - $ - $ 110,700 $ $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - $ 110,704 <br /> Child Care Health-Smart Start $ 73,252 $ 73,252 $ 63,600 $ 63,600 <br /> Scattered Site Housing Grant $ - $ - $ _ <br /> Carrboro Growing Healthy Kids Grant $ _ $ $ _ <br /> Healthy Carolinians $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Health&Wellness Trust Grant $ 90,930 $ 7 $ 90,937 $ 94,807 $ 94,807 <br /> Senior Citizen Health Promotion ellness $ 98,604 $ 7201 $ 105 805 $ 160 805 5 000 $ 165,605 <br /> Dental Health-Smart Start $ - $ - $ $ _ <br /> Intensive Home Visiting $ 57,718 $ 57,718 $ - $ <br /> Human Rights&Relations HUD Grant $ - $ - $ _ $ <br /> Senior Citizen Health Promotion Multi-Y $ - $ - $ _ $ _ <br /> SeniorNet Program Mufti-Year $ - $ - $ _ $ _ <br /> Enhanced Child Services Coord-SS $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Diabetes Education Program Mufti-Year $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Specialty Crops Grant $ $ - $ _ $ _ <br /> Local Food Initiatives Grant $ - ; _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Reducing Health Disparities Grant(Multi-Yr$ - $ _ $ 7$,996 <br /> FY 2009 Recovery Act HPRP $ _ $ - $ _ $ 78,- <br /> Human Services $ 320,504 $ 7,208 $ 327,712 $ 398,203 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 403,208 <br /> Criminal Justice Partnership Program $ 216,845 $ 216,845 $ 216,845 $ 216,845 <br /> Hazard MK ation Generator Proect $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Buffer Zone Protection Program $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> 800 MHz Communications Transition $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Secure Our Schools-OCS Grant $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> Citizen Corps Council Grant $ _ $ _ $ _ <br /> COPS 2008 Technology Program $ - $ $ $ _ <br /> COPS 2009 Technology Program $ - $ - $ $ _ <br /> EM Performance Grant $ - $ - $ 15,000 <br /> $ <br /> Justice Assitance Act JAG)Program $ . $ - $ 15,122 15 000 <br /> $ 15,122 <br /> Public Safety $ 216,845 $ - $ 216 345 $ 246,967 <br /> $ 246,967 <br /> Total Expenditures $ 537,349 $ 7,2oa $ 544,567 1$ 760,975 $ - $ 3,000 $ - $ - ; - $ - $ 765,875 <br /> 2 <br />