Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2011-12 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2011-12 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br /> rellectc encurnhraace <br /> taffy rwwar&as <br /> auftdmd by the annual <br /> b°4et orfnance #2 Based on #4 Receipt of <br /> #1 Receipt by the current year additional revenues <br /> Department on collections, within Library #6 Receipt of <br /> Aging of additional additional revenues#3 Receipt by DSS Services:Library additional training <br /> Home e Community } { ) #5 BOCC approved class fees of$1,600 <br /> Care Block Grant {$5,004 are of additional Home State Aid $4,453; <br /> funds($14,000)and anticipated this Community Care Donations- appropriation of to cover the costs of <br /> Original Budget Budget as Amended a reduction of <br /> Encumbrance Budget as Amended fiscal year related to Block Grant funds Triangle $20,000 from the the mentor's Budget as Amended <br /> Carry Forwards through BOA#6 the Department on {$3,578}and Community Orange Grove Fire services at the W. through BOA#7 <br /> Senior 9 in Retired Aging's Fit Feet additional Adult Foundation($500); District's available C.Breeze Farm <br /> Senior Volunteer program{Senior Home Specialist Donations-Friends fund balance Agriculture <br /> Program funds,for <br /> a net increase of Citizen Heafih funds($11,588) of the Main Library Extension and$3,581 for the promotion- <br /> ($400);Donations- Research Facility <br /> department Wellness Grant Carrboro Friends of <br /> Program) the Library($3,000 <br /> General Fund <br /> Revenue <br /> Property Taxes $ 133,471,175 $ - $ 133,471,175 $ 133,471,175 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 133,471,175 <br /> Sales Taxes $ 15,283 790 $ - $ 15,283,790 $ 15,283,790 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ 15,283,790 <br /> License and Permits $ 313,040 $ - $ 313,000 $ 313,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 313,000 <br /> Intergovernmental $ 15,989,453 $ - $ 15,989,453 $ 19,760,768 $ 3,581 $ - $ 15,166 $ 4,493 $ - $ - $ 19,784,008 <br /> Charges for Service $ 9,517,472 $ - $ 9,517,472 $ 9,563,672 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ 1,600 $ 9,565,272 <br /> Investment Earnings $ 1140,000 $ - $ 140,000 $ 140,000 <br /> $ 140,000 <br /> Miscellaneous $ 1,266,298 $ - $ 1,266,298 $ 1,334,932 $ 3,900 $ 1,338,732 <br /> Transfers from Other Funds S 1,064 917 $ - $ 1,464,917 $ 1,064,917 $ 1,064,917 <br /> Fund Balance $ 1,131,417 $ 806 519 $ 1,937,936 $ 2,280,060 $ 2,280,060 <br /> Total General Fund Revenues $ 178,177,522 $ 806,519 $ 178 984,041 $ 133,292,214 $ 3,581 $ - $ 15,166 $ 8,393 $ - $ 1,600 $ 183 240,954 <br /> Expenditures <br /> Governing S Management $ 14,072,861 $ 214,022 $ 14,286,883 $ 14,216,837 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 14,216,837 <br /> General Services $ 17,543,235 $ 136,794 $ 17,680,029 $ 17,688,569 $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 17,688,569 <br /> CommuM &Environment 801,947 76,056 5, ,99 ,0, - - - - - - 519061 <br /> T57 <br /> Human Services $ 32,525,9116 $ 123,048 $ 32,648,964 $ 35,112 035 $ 3,581 $ - $ 15,166 $ - $ - $ 1,600 $ 35,132,382 <br /> Public Safety $ 19,697,379 $ 239,947 $ 19,937,326 $ 20,146,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,146,000 <br /> Culture S Recreation $ 2,219,103 $ 16,652 $ 2,235,755 $ 21258,766 $ - $ - $ - ; 8,393 $ - $ - $ 2,267,158 <br /> Education $ $2,122,585 $ - 82,122,585 $ 81,459,389 $ 81,459,389 <br /> Transfers Out $ 4,194,542 $ - $ 4,194,502 $ 6L423,862 $ 6,423,862 <br /> Total General Fund Appropriation $ 178,177,522 $ 806,519 $ 178,934,041 $ 183,212,214 $ 3,551 $ - $ 15,166 $ 8,393 $ - $ -1.600-$ 183,240,954 <br /> Fire District Funds <br /> Revenues <br /> Property Tax $ 3,499,961 $ 3P499,961 $ 3,499,961 $ 3,499,961 <br /> Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ $ - <br /> Investment Earnings $ 1,651 $ 1,651 $ 1,651 $ 1,651 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 60,189 $ 60,169 $ 60,189 $ 20,000 $ 80,189 <br /> Total Fire Districts Fund Revenue $ 3,561 801 $ - $ 3,561 801 $ 3,561,801 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ 3,581,801 <br /> Expenditures <br /> Remittance to Fire Districts $ 3 561,801 $ 3156118 1 $ 3,561,801 $ 20,000 $ 3,581,801 <br />