Agenda - 11-17-2015 - 6a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-17-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-17-2015 - 6a - Minutes
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Last modified
11/12/2015 4:29:30 PM
Creation date
11/12/2015 4:24:35 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-17-2015
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9 <br /> 1 Bonnie Hammersley said Carrboro will be discussing this issue on October 20, and <br /> 2 Chapel Hill has not yet scheduled a discussion. She said the purpose of this evening's <br /> 3 discussion is to get direction from the Board of County Commissioners. She said Bob Jessup is <br /> 4 here tonight as well to provide information on this issue. <br /> 5 Bob Jessup, Bond Counsel, said a lot of time has been spent with staff putting together <br /> 6 the abstract on this issue. <br /> 7 Chair McKee asked if Bob Jessup would please review the information in the abstract. <br /> 8 Bob Jessup read the information from abstract: <br /> 9 A "county water and sewer district" is a type of governmental entity authorized by North <br /> 10 Carolina law. Many counties across the State form these districts as a tool to provide utility <br /> 11 service in areas that cannot be conveniently served by existing utility providers. Some counties <br /> 12 have had more than five districts within their boundaries. These districts are often created to <br /> 13 serve isolated or more sparsely settled areas, but the vehicle provides flexibility to serve any <br /> 14 defined area within a single county. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Differences <br /> 17 Creating a county water and sewer district offers certain flexibilities compared to <br /> 18 extending service using current policies and procedures. <br /> 19 1. The District would be able to implement a schedule of rates, fees, and charges independent <br /> 20 of Orange Water and Sewer Authority's (OWASA) schedule, which can therefore be tailored to <br /> 21 the special characteristics of the District. For example, a District could establish a fee to recover <br /> 22 primary infrastructure costs as properties are developed or redeveloped in the future. Similarly, <br /> 23 the District could make use of unique technologies and design features that OWASA might not <br /> 24 choose to use on a system-wide basis, but might be appropriate for a smaller area. <br /> 25 2. The District may be able to obtain loans and grants for which Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and <br /> 26 Orange County are not eligible. This would include loans and grants from traditional water and <br /> 27 sewer funders, but also from funders more interested in the social justice aspects of the project. <br /> 28 3. Although the District would not have its own planning authority, having the District defined as <br /> 29 a separate entity may facilitate coordinated planning and other land use discussions among the <br /> 30 relevant governments. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Governance, Management and Construction <br /> 33 By law, the Board of County Commissioners serves as the District's governing body. <br /> 34 Existing law allows for no alternatives to this governing structure. Although the District could <br /> 35 bid and supervise the system's construction itself, staff has contemplated that the District would <br /> 36 contract with OWASA to supervise and manage the construction of the system. The District <br /> 37 could also contract with OWASA to manage the provision of utility service where OWASA would <br /> 38 be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the system and for billing and collecting from <br /> 39 customers. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Procedure to Create the District <br /> 42 Creating the District is not procedurally complex. The District could be fully established <br /> 43 within 60 days of the Board's determination of the geographic boundaries of the District. <br /> 44 Attachment B outlines the procedure for creating the District. Carrboro would need to consent <br /> 45 to including within the District any property that is within Carrboro town limits. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Financing <br /> 48 There are a variety of options for financing the construction of the system and for <br /> 49 recovering any loans made to the District. This discussion sets aside the possibility of external <br />
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