Orange County NC Website
Project: Software Licensing Services/Renewals <br />Purpose: To maintain annual software licensing agreements far software upgrades/patches <br />and vendor support. <br />Common Use: These funds pay for software license agreements for Citrix (Connect2School), <br />FirstClass {email}, anti-virus/anti-spyware, all of the AS400 business systems <br />{payroll/accounting, HRMS, TimeKeeper}, BigWeb Desk {IT ticketing system), <br />document imaging system, web page hosting, Internet filtering, and other <br />software packages related to the district's infrastructure. <br />10 Year $: $2,594,363 <br />Project: Mainten~mce Agreements <br />Purpose: To maintain annual hardware support agreements for hardware repairs and vendor <br />support. <br />Common Use: These funds pay for hardware agreements for the network switches, UPS systems, <br />AS400 and other hardware associated with the district's infrastructure. <br />10 Year $: $370,623 <br />Project: Network Hardware & Software <br />Purpose: To refresh aging and out-of-date infrastructure hardware and software systems <br />and to invest in more efficient and economical systems. <br />Common Use: These funds pay for network switcheslrouters, servers, storage and backup <br />systems, UPS systems (powerlsurge backup), network wiring racks, wireless <br />access points and controllers, IP phones, and new software licenses to support the <br />district's infrastructure. <br />10 Year $: $5,559,350 <br />Prc-ject: On-Line Resources <br />Purpose: To provide access to on-line resources for instructional purposes. <br />Common Use: These funds pay far on-line subscriptions for SchoolCenter, Atomic Learning, <br />United Streaming and a host of media resources. <br />10 Year $: $1,482,493 <br />Project: Instructional Computers and Technc-logy <br />Purpose: To refresh aging and out-of-date instructional computers and associated <br />peripherals and to increase access points for an increasing student population. <br />Common Use: These funds pay for new desktops, laptops, thin client computers, other <br />per7pherals (scanners, external hard drives, etc.), additional memory and drives to <br />refresh existing equipment. <br />10 Year $: $1,853,117 <br />Project: Administrative Computers <br />Purpose: To refresh aging and out-of-date administrative computers and associated <br />peripherals and to increase access points for an increasing staff population . <br />Common Use: These funds pay for new desktops, laptops, thin client computers, and other <br />peripherals (scanners, external hard drives, etc.}, additional memory and drives to <br />refresh existing equipment. <br />10 Year $: $1,019,214 <br />C:1Documents and SettingsldcoffeylLocal SettingslTemporary Internet Files\4LK268\CIP <br />0818 Ver 3 final.doc <br />