Orange County NC Website
Common Use: Exterior and interior classroom doors get an amazing amount of use and at times <br />abuse. Keeping the doors and hardware operable is a major expense. School <br />access and egress depend on operable and safe doors. <br />10 Year $: $750,000 <br />Project: Electrical Systems <br />Purpose: To improve electrical distribution systems within school buildings to meet current <br />and future needs. <br />Common Use: With the increase in the number of computers being used and projectors being <br />installed, the need for increased electrical service in our older buildings is a must. <br />Converting a classroom into a lab takes going from 4-b outlets to 25-30. <br />10 Year $: $1,125,000 <br />Project: Energy EfficiencylLighting Improvements <br />Purpose: To upgrade classroom lighting to improve light levels and to save kilowatt use. <br />Also to procure energy management systems to control and monitor energy use. <br />Common Use: The perfect example is the Carrboro Elementary lighting program. 41der lights <br />were replaced with modern energy efficient lights that provided a better light level <br />for students and in one year saved in excess of 30070, or 200,000 kilowatts. <br />10 Year $: $2,300,000 <br />Project: F~relSafety/Security Systems <br />Purpose: To install and upgrade fire alarm systems, camera systems and access control <br />systems at all the schools. <br />Common Use: These funds paid for the access control (ID card) systems at CHHS and East that <br />will be functioning within the next week <br />10 Year $: $1,025,000 <br />Project: Indoor Air Quality Improvements <br />Purpose: To monitor and remediate Indoor Air Quality issues at all the schools in the <br />district. <br />Common Use: These funds pay for initial testing to identify problems, then if remediation is <br />called for, to pay for that service. The funds could purchase dehumidification <br />systems or replace carpet. The funds are also used to reduce exterior moisture <br />getting into buildings by removing excessive landscaping and providing moisture <br />barriers where needed. <br />10 Year $: $1,078,498 <br />Project: Mechanical Systems <br />Purpose: To maintain and upgrade HVAC systems, to provide AC where needed <br />(kitchens), and to maintain and upgrade hot water delivery systems. Kitchens to <br />be included are Glenwood, Seawell, Culbreth, FPG and Chapel Hill High School <br />Common Use: These funds were used to provide AC in the Canboro and Estes Hills kitchens as <br />well as providing funding for the replacement of chillers at several schools. <br />10 Year $: $3,200,000 <br />C:1Documents and SettingsldcoffeylLocal SettingslTemporary Internet Files\4LK268\CIP <br />0818 Ver 3 final.doc <br />