Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:8FF17345-E070-4A5A-B069-2974E2219CD3 <br /> Utilities <br /> Contact the One Call service and order a general utility location for the site <br /> Contact Hillsborough (Will Baker, 732-9459) and order field location of water mains (12" and 16") <br /> Locate all marked underground utilities and devices <br /> Locate all visible above-ground utilities and devices, poles, and guy wires <br /> Locate any underground tank riser or lid, and any apparent onsite wastewater system <br /> Locate any water supply well or groundwater monitoring well <br /> Obtain elevation of all manhole rims, bottoms, and pipe inverts <br /> Obtain elevation of all sanitary cleanout rims and pipe inverts <br /> Identify any apparent underground utilities that have not been marked <br /> Estimate elevation of sag point in lowest overhead utility line opposite Cardinal Drive <br /> Drainage <br /> Provide field location and description of the following (or similar) items: <br /> Center line of water courses and swales <br /> Drainage piping, inlets, outlets, structures, endwalls, grates, etc. <br /> Rip rap aprons <br /> Provide elevations of all pipe inverts inside structures and at inlets and outlets <br /> Provide elevations of all drainage structure tops, flowlines, grates, and bottoms <br /> Identify all drainage pipe material and inside diameters, as practical <br /> Describe any observed impaired condition of structures or piping (filled with sediment, broken, etc.) <br /> Topography <br /> Generate TIN-based contours reflecting accurate grade breaks and vertical drops <br /> Surface topography represented by contour intervals of 2 feet(even numbers) <br /> Spot elevations sufficient to describe high and low points, transition points, etc. <br /> Elevations of curbs, curb cuts, ramps, steps, medians, etc. <br /> Ground elevations adjoining top and bottom of any retaining walls <br /> Locate and identify any observed surface rock outcroppings <br /> Mapping <br /> Provide appropriate mapping information per NC GS 47-30 <br /> Provide a legend of symbols, line types, etc. used on the map <br />