Agenda - 09-20-2007-2c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-20-2007
Agenda - 09-20-2007-2c
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The North Carolina League of Municipalities. <br />NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES <br />J.llt. <br />NG GENERAL ASSEMBLY <br />Bulletin #29 <br />Page 1 of 16 <br />August 24, 2007 <br />2007 General Assembly Adjourns <br />Legislative Wrap-Up <br />The General Assembly adjourned its 2007 Regulaz Session on Thursday, August 2. In the final few days <br />of the session, the legislature passed Medicaid relief for counties, restored municipal growth to the "sales <br />tax swap" in the budget, enacted new landfill regulations with accompanying statewide tip fee, and passed <br />new rules on interbasin transfers. <br />When the dust settled, there were some disappointments, but the League had also accomplished several of <br />its major legislative priorities for the session. Of particulaz note are new authority for cities and towns to <br />deal with substandard nonresidential buildings and new authority to set up special trusts to handle non- <br />pensionbenefits for municipal retirees, acost-savings measure. <br />Over 3,600 bills were introduced during the 2007 session-a record number. The League monitored over <br />1,100 of them and fought many battles to preserve municipal revenues and authority. We were successful <br />in avoiding a number of bad bills during the session and were involved in improving many others. <br />We very much appreciate the hard work of our legislators, and we thank the many members of the <br />General Assembly who supported the municipal position on bills and worked with us in various ways. We <br />express our thanks as well to the leaders of the two bodies, House Speaker Joe Hackney and Senate <br />President Pro Tem Marc Basnight, and the members of their staffs, for their many courtesies during the <br />session. <br />We also appreciate the willingness of other members of the House and Senate leadership to work with us <br />on municipal issues. It would be impossible to list the many members of the House and Senate that <br />worked with us during the legislative session but we have attempted below to give special recognition to <br />those who sponsored or provided~special assistance on legislation of interest to municipalities. <br />The following are highlights of the state budget and of actions taken on priority municipal issues by <br />category. If you need a copy of these or any other bills, please contact the Legislative Printed Bills Office <br />at 919-733-5648 or the League office. Remember that bills and legislative calendars are available on the <br />Internet at Please feel free to contact the League staff if you have any particular <br />interest or concern regarding any piece of legislation. <br />Note on Status of Legislation <br />Throughout this Legislative Bulletin, legislation that has become law is delineated with its session law <br />chapter number after the bill title (e.g. SL 2007-1). Even though these acts have become law, some have <br />delayed effective dates, so always check the legislation itself. <br />Some bills mentioned below were ratified by the House and Senate but have not yet become law. Bills <br />aze presented to the Governor on the day following ratification for approval or veto. During the session, if <br />the Governor signs the bill or takes no action on it within 10 days after presentation, the bill becomes law. <br /> 8/28/2007 <br />
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