Orange County NC Website
recreational premises to make or cause to b.e ;nace <br />any -loud, disturbing or unnecessary noises. <br />(b) The following are, for the purpose of this <br />Ordinance, loud, disturbing or unnecessary noises: <br />(1) loud or boisterous language; <br />(2) profane, vulgar, lewd or obscene language- <br />or language which would ordinarily abuse the <br />hearer which can be and is heard by persons <br />other than the person(s) making statements. <br />containing profane language; <br />(3) the use of automobile ar other motor <br />vehicle horn, except to signal. an emergency; <br />(4) the playing of a radio, phonograph, <br />musical instrument, or other sound reproduction <br />device in such a manner or at such a volume as <br />to disturb 'the quiet, comfort or repose of any <br />person; or <br />(5') any other noise created in such a manner <br />ar at 'such a volume as to disturb the quiet., <br />comfort or repose of any person, <br />(c>) The Director may exempt from the provisions of <br />this Section a person performinng an recreat:anal <br />premise's at a'County- ar Department-sponsored event. <br />Section, 4, Pets: Pets must be kept an leashes at al'1 times <br />and under coritrol,a£ a competent person while. on recreational <br />premises. <br />Section 5: Huntinrt: Hunting, trapping, abusing ar killing of <br />4 <br />