Orange County NC Website
<br />r~ <br />waste generated on recreational premises. A11 other use of waste <br />receptacles is prohibited. <br />Section 8. Policy Declaration: It is the policy of Orange <br />County that bounty reerea~ianal premises are available to all <br />persons, regardless of race, gender, color, creed or political or <br />religious affiliation or national origin. <br />Section 9. Posting of Ordinance and Rules: A copy of this <br />Ordinance and any rules promulgated hereunder shall be, to the <br />extent passible, posted in one or more conspicuous places at each <br />recreational. premises. A copy of each shall be in the possession of <br />the pers~sn in charge of any organized recreation p'ragram and any <br />person enforcing; an the recreational. premises, this Ordinance or <br />rules pramul:gated hereunder. <br />The ordinance shall be effective August 6, 199'0. Adopted <br />this the 6th day-of Augusts 199D. <br />L1pan>:mot.on of'Commssaner John Hartwel3, seconded by <br />Commissioner Shirley E: Marshall, the foregoing Parrs and <br />Reereatic~n ordinance was adopted this 'the 6th day of August, 1990. <br />J~ <br />