Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />recreational premises. <br />(c) The provisions of subsection (b) shall not <br />apply to county-sponsored activities or other events. <br />specifically authorized by the County Manager. <br />.Section 19. Conduct on Recreational Premises Generally: In <br />addition to the other provisions of this Ordinance,, no person on <br />recreational premises shall engage in: <br />(a) any conduct in violation of state law or county <br />ordinance ar policy; <br />(b) 'any conduct that tends to threaten the health <br />yr safety af, or to disrupt or diminish the use by, <br />other lawful occupants of recreational premises. <br />Such conduct shall include, but not be limited to: <br />(1) language or actions constituting a threat <br />to the personal safety of any person on <br />recreational. premises. <br />(2) language tending to cause a breach of the <br />peace. <br />(3j fighting ar other assaultive behavior. <br />ARTICLE III: MIS.CELLANEDUS PRt)VISIONS <br />Section 1. Reservations• <br />(a) The Director may establish a system for <br />reserving recreational premises. Once such a system <br />has been established, no person may, after notice, <br />refuse to vacate an area during a time such an area <br />has been .properly reserved by another. (b) Except <br />9 <br />