Orange County NC Website
b the Coup ~. <br />Y y, provided that: . <br />(1) no more than 1 sign per candidate is <br />posted; <br />(2) the person whose candidacy is advertised <br />on a sign is responsible for its removal within <br />],4 days after the election in which the <br />candidate participated. <br />Section l4. Waste Disx~osal: Dumping of any trash, debris ar <br />other discarded materials on recreational premises is prohibited <br />except as expressly permitted in receptacles whose location and use <br />is designated by the Di.rec:t.or. <br />Section 1.5. Overnight Camping: Except at recreational premises <br />which..are specifically designated as campsites, overnight camping <br />is :prohibited.. on recreational. premises <br />Section 16. Use of Metal Detectors:. The-use cif metal detectors <br />on recreational premises is prohibited. <br />Section 1"7. Httincr Golf Halls: Except at recreational <br />premises which are specifically designated as golf courses or golf. <br />practice'rdrivng ranges, hitting golf ballsi prohibited an <br />recreational- premises « <br />Section Z8. Commerca>1 Activity: <br />(a~' For pvrpases of thi's section, commercia' <br />activity shall include., but not be limited to, the <br />sale or attempted sale or advertisement for sale of <br />any goods or services. <br />(b') Except as indicated in subsection (c), no <br />person may engage in commercial activity an <br />s <br />