Orange County NC Website
Section V. Draft County Profile f Data) Element Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />B2 Population <br />Highlights <br />Population change is arguably the most fundamental factor affecting the pattern of development <br />and provision of services throughout the County. Population refers both to the absolute number <br />of persons, to their race /ethnicity, age groups, and physical distribution across the county. <br />Changes in the county's age distribution may be the most influential demographic change facing <br />the County. Orange County's median age has historically been younger, reflecting the influence <br />of Chapel Hill's college population. However, recent trends have shown a gradual aging of the <br />Orange County population and the United States population as a whole. <br />Because population changes at a local and regional level will likely have ramifications <br />countywide, this section contains municipal (cities and towns) and regional comparisons. Unless <br />otherwise indicated, population tables for county -level data pertain to the entire county, <br />including municipal areas and their extra - territorial jurisdictions (ETJ). <br />Historic population values were obtained primarily from the US Census Bureau. In 2003, the <br />US Census Bureau issued an amended 2000 Census count for the Town of Chapel Hill. The <br />Town's population was amended from 48,175 to 46,019; likewise the County's population was <br />amended from 118,227 to 115, 531. Most data tables will reflect the amended values and will be <br />so noted. <br />State - certified population estimates for the municipalities and counties for 2005 were provided <br />by the NC Office of Budget, Planning, and Management, Demographics Section. It is important <br />to note that the 2005 population estimates from the NC Office of Budget, Planning and <br />Management (OBPM) are provided as the most recent estimates available for municipalities. <br />However, use caution when making any comparisons between US Census Data (1980 1990 and <br />2000) and NC OBPM estimates (2005) For Orange County, it is si ificant that the NC OBPM <br />does not project pppulations for unincorporated areas. Rather, unincorporated populations are <br />yielded from the resulting balance after municipal and countywide population estimates are <br />made The Orange Count Planning Department believes that the 2005 estimate provided for <br />unincorporated Orange County (46,964 ) may be low and the data provided in Table Clc on Page <br />C4 should be consulted for comparison See the Land Use Element (to be completed) for a <br />summary of building permits issued in Orange County since the 2000 US Census. <br />Historic and current demographic conditions in this section lay a foundation for further analysis, <br />such as population projections covered in Section C. Maps depicting Orange County population <br />distributions by age and North Carolina population growth by county can be found in Section D. <br />9/6/2007 B2.1 <br />