Orange County NC Website
Section V. Draft County Profile (Data) Element Orange Countv Comprehensive Plan <br />Carrboro, Hillsborough, and portions of <br />Mebane. Outside of the municipal boundaries, <br />urban growth areas or extra - territorial <br />jurisdictions (ETJ) have been identified. The <br />respective municipalities exercise planning <br />authority over these areas into which they <br />expect to grow. Additionally, Transition Areas <br />have been identified around towns as areas in <br />the process of changing from rural to urban. <br />Beyond the Transition Areas, a Rural Buffer <br />surrounds the towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro. The Rural Buffer contains <br />approximately 38,000 acres and is expected to <br />remain rural in character, with annexation by <br />municipalities prohibited. This concept is <br />somewhat unique to Orange Counter and <br />underscores the importance of retaining the <br />rural residential and agricultural character in <br />the unincorporated areas of the County. <br />9/6/2007 131.2 <br />