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10 <br /> are relayed in the UDO. He said if additional screenings are required the owner will have to <br /> abide by the UDO. He said this problem is not anticipated. <br /> Commissioner Price said as this is one big property and has no property lines, there is <br /> nowhere from which to measure the 10 feet between the two houses. <br /> Michael Harvey said although there are no property lines, there will be a defined <br /> ownership area. He said this will not meet the technical definition of a property line, per the <br /> UDO, but additional landscaping may be required to comply with code. <br /> Commissioner Price said she liked the project and would not want to see it stumble <br /> based on technicalities. <br /> Michael Harvey said the Applicant has methodically worked through the majority of <br /> concerns, as they have arisen. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to page 15 where two small group homes, with three to five <br /> private suites, are mentioned. She asked if this scenario would fall under the ordinance of <br /> unrelated people living together or some other category. <br /> Michael Harvey said he believed it will fall in a category of a different situation. He <br /> added that in the review of this narrative, this arrangement has not been viewed as a potential <br /> problem. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if it will open a can of worms down the road. <br /> Michael Harvey said not in his opinion, based on what he knows today. He added that <br /> the question can be raised with the Applicant, and answered more fully for the BOCC. He said <br /> the BOCC is approving a new zoning district with this project. He said this zoning district can <br /> specify individual components as to how the development operation of this project will go in <br /> perpetuity. <br /> Chair McKee said this project is effectively a condominium and asked if approval of this <br /> unique project would place it by default in the Orange County UDO. <br /> Michael Harvey said no. He said the Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning is <br /> handled on a case by case basis, where an applicant must submit a proposal to the BOCC. He <br /> said this project does not set a precedent unless an applicant wanted to go through the very <br /> same process as Hart's Mill. He added that this is a unique opportunity to approve a project <br /> that accomplishes a lot of Orange County's goals with respect to the environment and <br /> affordable housing. He said this type of project is only possible in the urbanizing areas of the <br /> County. <br /> Chair McKee asked if a developer should come forward with this model, would they have <br /> to go through the same process as this one. <br /> Michael Harvey said that is correct. <br /> Lydia Wegman asked for an explanation as to why this project would be a Class B <br /> Special Use Permit. <br />