Agenda - 10-20-2015 - 6a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-20-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 10-20-2015 - 6a - Minutes
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Last modified
10/16/2015 7:54:02 AM
Creation date
10/16/2015 7:53:08 AM
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Minutes 10-20-2015
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8 <br /> 1 said he understands the desire to make the process go more smoothly but the BOCC received <br /> 2 a letter today from the public that found these new amendments confusing. <br /> 3 Commissioner Jacobs said the notion that there would be no public notice for a quasi- <br /> 4 judicial hearing goes against the Board's social justice goals. He said people need to be <br /> 5 engaged or at least notified, and it is inconsistent with the values of Orange County. <br /> 6 Commissioner Jacobs said he trusts the County Manager but finds that one-year <br /> 7 reviews get lost in the shuffle over the years; they simply never happen. <br /> 8 Commissioner Jacobs said there are ways to deal with those wanting to come to a public <br /> 9 hearing and change the nomenclature of how hearings are noticed and what comments are <br /> 10 allowed. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs said the public wants elected officials to know what they are <br /> 12 thinking. He said the County should be careful before adopting this amendment. He said <br /> 13 expedition is good but not at the expense of information gathering. <br /> 14 Commissioner Jacobs said he is still uncomfortable with some of these changes. <br /> 15 Commissioner Dorosin said he agreed and disagreed with Commissioner Price and <br /> 16 Commissioner Jacobs. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin said if these amendments were in place tonight, the Board of <br /> 18 County Commissioners could approve these items. He said he finds this flexibility to be a good <br /> 19 thing. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin said notification is important and the public should be able to <br /> 21 attend and listen, even if speaking is not permitted. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that his initial concern was that currently the residents do <br /> 23 not have the last word. He said after the public speaks the item goes back to the Planning <br /> 24 Board. He said the desire is to engage residents earlier in the process, hopefully encouraging <br /> 25 more to go to the Planning Board meetings. He said then the public can come to the QPH and <br /> 26 will get to address the boards a second time. He said it would be ideal if the decision could then <br /> 27 be made. <br /> 28 Commissioner Dorosin said the BOCC can still retain the option to send it back to the <br /> 29 Planning Board, if need be, for legislative items. <br /> 30 Perdita Holtz agreed. <br /> 31 Commissioner Dorosin said he does not agree that the Planning Board is being cut out <br /> 32 of the process but that the public is being more engaged. <br /> 33 Commissioner Dorosin said the distinction between the legislative and quasi-judicial <br /> 34 proceedings is what is most confusing to the public. He said the staff should take the time to <br /> 35 explain this to the public through pamphlets, the Internet, or on the abstracts. He said staff <br /> 36 should build this into the process to make things more clear to the public. <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin said he would support the change in the structure. He said even <br /> 38 though it seems the process is being streamlined really the public is being engaged earlier in <br /> 39 the process. <br /> 40 Commissioner Rich agreed that after the public speak there is no a chance to dispute <br /> 41 what the Planning Board is recommending to the Board of County Commissioners. She said it <br /> 42 is important to engage the public throughout the process. <br /> 43 Commissioner Rich referred to page 3 and the closure of public hearings. She asked if <br /> 44 there is new evidence, should it not be referred back to Planning Board. <br /> 45 Perdita Holtz said that is for legislative items only, not quasi-judicial items. <br /> 46 Commissioner Rich said she just wanted to make sure that the BOCC, the Planning <br /> 47 Board, and the public all have the same information. <br />
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