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the Department of Wildlife as well as North Carolina Department of Environment <br /> Natural Resources, there was no identified — specific, excuse me — identified species <br /> that would be impacted. And while we take into consideration the recommendation <br /> since the buffer standards that we are going to impose, are greater than what they <br /> recommended, we believe we are exceeding their suggested mandate with respect to <br /> how this project should be developed. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: May I ask our Attorney a question? <br /> Chair McKee: Yes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: When, and if, the legislature reduces buffer standards, <br /> having already adopted these that can't be changed by the legislature. It would be an <br /> ex-post facto, would it not? <br /> John Roberts: That would not apply to this, this Special Use Permit, no. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: Thank you. <br /> Michael Harvey: Can I clarify? I'm sorry. The Attorney's correct, unless the Applicant <br /> chose to go back through this same process to amend the Special Use Permit. <br /> Chair McKee: Are there other....yes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: In which case, we could have a different vote. <br /> John Roberts: That is a correct statement. <br /> Michael Harvey: Without further ado, what I would just like to do very quickly— on <br /> page 63 — as you begin your deliberation, the first motion you're going to be making, or <br /> and I understood from the Attorney at the beginning of the hearing he'd rather you <br /> approve or deny the Planning Board recommendation, where we have affirm or reject. <br /> But you're going to be either approving or denying the Planning Board's <br /> recommendation that this particular project complies with the provisions of sections 2.2 <br /> and 2.7.3 of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance. This deals with the <br /> application's complete listed submittal, required submittal requirements, and <br /> advertising. <br /> Next someone will make a motion to determine whether or not the project <br /> complied with section 2.7.5 of the Unified Development Ordinance, that is typically <br /> staff's notification of adjacent property owners, and the holding of the Public Hearing. <br /> Next will be a motion to approve or deny the recommendation of the Planning Board as <br /> it relates to section 5.3.2 (B) of the Unified Development Ordinance; can the project be <br /> served by Emergency Services, Sheriff's Department, Environmental Health, Solid <br /> Waste, etc. Recommendations have been made that— obviously, there's evidence in <br /> the record proving that this site can be supported, as required by section 5.3.2. <br /> Next the specific requirements for the development of a Solar Facility— and I'm <br /> on page 63, subsection D. It's a motion to approve or deny the recommendation of the <br /> Planning Board that the Applicant complies with the provisions of 5.9.6 (c). Those are <br /> the specific development requirements for Solar Facility. And again, I want to <br /> emphasize, when you go back to attachment 5, the evidence in the record that the <br />