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hands of the Contractor, to appropriate or use any ar all materials and equipment at the <br />Project as~ may be suitable and acceptable, and may enter into an agreement far the <br />completion of the Work or pursue such other methods as in the CMAR's sole discretion and <br />opinion shall be necessary or appropriate for the completion of the Work in an acceptable <br />manner. A!4 costs and charges incurred by the CMAR in proceeding in accordance with the <br />preceding sentence, including attorney's fees, and ail casts incurred by the CMAR in <br />completing the Work shall be deducted from any amount due ar which becomes due the <br />Contractor. if such costs and expenses incurred by the CMAR shall be less than the sum <br />which would have been payable under Contract Documents "sf it had been completed by the <br />Contractor} then the Contractor shall•be entitled to receive the difference, but if such costs <br />and expenses shall exceed the sum which would have been payable under the Contract <br />Documents, the Contractor and fhe•Contraetor`s surety ar sureties shat! be liable to the <br />CMAR far and shall pay to the CMAR the amount of such excess. <br />33.2 if the CMAR terminates the Agreement pursuant to this Article 33 and later 'rt is determined <br />that the-Contractor had not substantiagy failed to perform in accordance with the terms of <br />this Article, then the termination wilt be considered a termination for convenience under <br />Article 34. <br />ARTICLE 34. TERMtNAT14N OR SUSt'ENSlON BY'IHE CMAR F4R GONVENiENCE <br />34. t The CMAR may, without cause, order the Contractor to terminate, suspend, decay, or <br />interrupt the Wark in whole or in part for such period of time as the CMAR may determine. <br />34.2 if the Contractor is subsequently ordered by the CMAR to resume the Work, any cost ar <br />expenses to which the Contractor may he entitled by reason of the suspension, delay, or <br />interruption shall be recovered by means of a Change Order in accordance with Articles 13 <br />••-- ~- -• -and ~ 14 of 'these°General Gand(tions and the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the • <br />Master Schedule shall be adjusted in accordanae with Article 73 of these General <br />Conditions. <br />34.3 The CMAR shall terminate the Work or portion thereof by wri#ten notice when the <br />Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the Work as a direct result of an executive <br />order of the President with respect to the prosecution of war or in the interest of national <br />defense. <br />34.4 In the event of termination by the CMAR under this Article, the Contractor shall be entitled <br />•to receive the ieasanable and documented direct costs incurred prior to terrninatian, <br />including the cost of materials purchased for the Work which purchases cannot be <br />canceled ar which material cannot reasonably be used by the Contractor on other work, <br />and the cast of ciasing down the Project 1n a safe and efficient manner, plus ten percent <br />{t tl%} thereof far overhead and profit, subject to the following conditions: <br />a} When the Contract is terminated before completion of alt items of Work, payment <br />shall be made for the actual number of units or items of Wark completed at the <br />applicable contract prices, or as mutually agreed for items of Wark partially <br />complete. if a mutual agreement cannot be reached, the•CMAR shall have the <br />aukhvrify to make such equitable adjustment as it deems warranted and the Pinal <br />Payment shall be made accordingly. <br />b} Reimbursement for organization of arty Wark and moving equipment to and from <br />the job shall be considered when not otherwise provided far in the Contract <br />Documents where the volume of completed Work is too small to compensate the <br />Contractor for those expenses under unit prices. tf a mutual agreement cannot be <br />GENERAL CONCiTIONS FUR CM AT RISK PROJECT 41 of 42 JUNE 2007 EDtT10N <br />