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ARTICLE 26. USE 4F PREMIS)=S <br />26.1 The Goniraetar~shali confine apparatus, the storage of materials, the operations of workers, <br />and the dispose! of material to limits indicated bylaw, ordinances, permits, and directions of <br />the CMAR, if any. <br />26.2 The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the Work to be Loaded with a weight that <br />will endanger its safety, intended performance. ar configuration. <br />26.3 The Contractor shall enforce ail of the CMAR's instructions, tnctuding, but not Limited to, <br />those regarding signs, advertisements, fires, and smoking. <br />At2TICLE 27. CUTTIiyG, PATGHIE~tG Af~D FlTTtPIG <br />27.1 The Contractor shat! da alt cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that maybe required to <br />make its several parts come together properly and fit !t to receive or to be received by Work <br />shown in or which can be reasonably implied from the Contract Documents. <br />ARTICLE 28, DISPUTE R1~SaLUTION <br />28.1 The laws of the State of North Carolina shall apply to the interpretation and enforcement of <br />this Agreement. Any and at! suits or actions to enforce, interpre#, ar seek damages with <br />respect to any provision af, or the performance or nonperformance of, this Agreement shall <br />be brought in the General Court of Justice of North Carolina sitting in Orange County, North <br />Carolina, and it is agreed by the porkies that no ether court shall have Jurisd(ction or venue <br />with respect to such suits or actions. Appendix A shalt be a part of the Contract' Documents. <br />Prior to initiating an action under this Article, any party to this Agreement shalt initiate the <br />mediation process as provided in Appendix A to these General Conditions. <br />28.2 Any person ar firm that expressly or impliediy agrees to perform labor or services or ko <br />provide material, supplies, equipment, work, performance or payment bonds, insurance or <br />indemnification for the construction of the Project or the Work shall be deemed a party to <br />this Agreement solely for the purpose of this Article 28. The. Contractor, by means of its <br />subcontracts, shah specifically require !ts Subcontractors to be bound by this Article. <br />ARTICLE 29. TAXES " <br />29.1 The Contractor has included in the Contract Price, and shad pay, a[i taxes assessed by any <br />authoc'sty on the Warlc ar'on the tabor and materials used therein. The Contractor shalt <br />maintain all lax records during the life of the Project and furnish the CMAR with a complete <br />(!sting of ail taxes paid by tax'sng authority, invoice number, date, amount, etc. in a form <br />acceptable to the CMAR and the Owner. The Contractor is required to maintain a fie <br />showing taxes paid on the Project for three {3} years after Final Payment or tum said <br />documents over to the O4vner for its files. <br />29.2 The following is a list of requirements to be followed by the Contractor in maintaining <br />proper records and repotting the North Carolina Sates and Use Tax and Local Sales and <br />Use Tax. The Contractor shalt comply fully with the requirements outlined below, in order <br />that the Owner may recover the amount of the tax permitted under the taw. <br />a) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to furnish the CMAR documentary <br />evidence showing the materials used and sales and use tax paid by the Contractor <br />and by each of its Subcontractors. Such evidence shall be transmitted to the <br />CMAR with each pay request regardless of whether taxes were paid !n That period <br />covered by the pay request. <br />GENERAL. GONtJITLONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 39 or 42 JUNE 2t}Q7 EIgtTION <br />