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connection with the Project, and (ii} that aB payments for materials, services, and for any <br />other reason in connection with the subcontract or supply contract have~been satisfied and <br />that no ciairns or bens exist against the Subcontractor or supplier in connection therewith; <br />and {C) the written consent of the Cantracta-'s sureties to Final Payment. in the event that <br />the Contractor cannot obtain an affidavit, as, required above, From any Subcontractor or <br />suppiier, the Contractor shall state in the Contractor's affidavit that no cialrns o~ liens exist <br />against such Subcontractor or suppiier to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, and that if <br />any appear afterwards, the Contractor shah indemnify and save the CMAR and the t7wner <br />harmless for all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, on account thereofi. <br />ARTICLE 23. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBCONTRACTS <br />23.1 The Gontractor shah not assign any portion of this Agreement nor subcontract the Work in <br />its entirety without the prior written consent of the GMAR. Except as may be required under <br />terms of the bonds required by the Contract Documents, no funds or sums of money due or <br />to became due to the Gantractor under the Gontract Documents may be assigned. <br />ARTICLE 24. MEASUREMEf1T5 <br />24.1 Before ordering rnateriai or doing Wark which is dependent for proper size or installation <br />upon coordination with building conditions, the Contractor shat( verify alt dimenstons and <br />shat! be responsible for the correctness of same. No consideration will be given for any <br />claim based an di#ferences between the actual dimensions and those indicated in the <br />Contract Documents. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents and the existing <br />conditions shalt be referred fo the Designer by the CMAR for adjustment before any Work <br />affected (hereby is begun. <br />ARTICLE 25. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR RELATIONSfitPS <br />25.1 Within thirty (30) days after initial receipt of the Construction Agreement by the Contractor <br />for signatures, the Contractor shall submit to the CMAR for acceptance a current list of the <br />names of Subcontractors and such other persons and organizations {including those who <br />are to furnish materiels or equipment fabricaked to ~a special design}.proposed for any and <br />aii portions of the Work. The Contractor stroll provide this fist at this time even if the <br />Contractor was required to submit a list of proposed 5ubcohtractors with the Contractor's <br />bid. The CMAR shalt promptly reply to the Contractor in writing stating whether or not the <br />CMAR, after due investigation, has objection to any such proposed person or entity or if it <br />needs additional information to evaluate the persons or entitles on the list. Failure of the <br />CMAR to reply within ten {10) days after the Contractor has famished aii required <br />information shat( constitute notice of no abjection. <br />The Contractor shall not contract with any such proposed person or entity to which the <br />CMAR has made reasonable objection. 1f the CMAR has reasonable objection to any such <br />proposed person or entity, the Contractor shall submit a substitute to whom the CMAR has <br />no reasonable objection. The Contractor shall make na substitution for any Subcontractor, <br />person, or entity previously allowed without first notifying the CMAR in writing and no <br />substitution may be made if the CMAR makes a reasonable objection to such substitution. <br />25.2 The Contractor agrees that the terms of the Contract Documents, including all portions <br />thereof, shall apply to ail Subcontractors as if they were khe Contractor, .and that the <br />Subcontractors shall, by means of #heir subcontracts, be bound by aii the terms of the <br />Contract Documents. <br />25.3 Payments to Subcontractors by the Contractor shat( be made in accordance wifh the <br />provisions of N_C. Gen. Stet. X143-134.1, <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 38 of 42 JUNE 2047 EDiTt(3N <br />