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-14.5 increases in the Contract Price and/or extensions of the Contract Time for addifiorial Work <br />performed by the Con#ractor snail only be In accordance with a written Change Order ar <br />Construction Change Directive signed by the CMAR. ~ The Contractor shah not be en#itted <br />to additional time or to additional compensation for any Wark performed or material <br />supplied which is claimed to have been authorr~ed ar settled by an °oral° change, or by a <br />"constructive" ar "implied" change, or by a course of conduct, or by any action or non-action <br />by the CMAR, or any other persons, or by any means whatsoever other than by a written <br />Change Order or Construction Change Direotive for such Work or material signed by the <br />CMAR. <br />14.6 Changes in the Work resulting from emergency shall not invalids#e the Contract Documents <br />nor release the surety if the Contractor is bonded, <br />94.7 The CMAR shall not be responsible for verbal instructions which have not been confirmed <br />in writing, and in no case shall such instructions be in#erpreted as permitting a departure <br />from the Contract Documents unless such instruction is canfiFrned in writing and supported <br />by a proper Change Ordet, Construction Change Directive or Ftefd Order, whether ar not <br />the cost is affected. <br />14.13 if the Gontractor is bonded, the CMAR, in its sole discretion, may require that the <br />Gontractor notify the Contractor`s sureties of any changes affecting the general scope of <br />the Work or change in the Contract Price, and that the amount of applicable bonds shah be <br />adjusted accordingly. !f this requirement is exercised, the Contractor shall furnish proof of <br />such adjustment to the CMAR. <br />Ef this requirement is exercised, the Change Orders and Construction Change Directives <br />shah require written consent of the Contractor's surety. At the time of signing a Change <br />__ Order, the Gon#ractar snail be required to certiry as follows: <br />"i certify that all sureties have been notified that my contract has been altered by <br />the amount of this Change Order or Construction Change Direc#ive and that a copy <br />of the approved Change Order or Construction Change Directive vrill be mailed to <br />ail sureties upon its receipt by me." <br />If this requirement is exercised, no payment to the Contractor on account of any Change <br />Order~or Construction Change Directive shalt became due or payable until written evidence <br />of the surety's consent to the Change Order ar Construction Change Directive has been <br />furnished to the CMAR, and the furnishing of such written consent is a condition precedent <br />to such payment. <br />14.9 The Gontractor shaft support ail requests far Change Orders with a de#aifed cost <br />breakdown showing cost of materials, tabor, equipment, transportation, other items, <br />Contractor's overhead and profit, and total cost, in accordance with methods defined in this <br />Article, and, if the request seeks an extension of the Contract Time, with atime-related <br />diagram which demons`Jates specifically why an increase in construction time is needed. <br />14.90 When a request for a Change Order involves a Subcontractor, the Contractor shad provide <br />quotation from same an Subcontractor's letterhead. The Subcontractor's quote shad fist <br />materials, equipment, and tabor separately, and show overhead and profit in the manner <br />providad in paragraph 94.9. <br />ARTICLE 15. CHANGE OF THE CC1I~TRACT PRICE <br />95.1 The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation payable to the Contractor fvr <br />performing alt Work under the Contract Documents. Ali duties, responsibilities, and <br />GENERA!_ CONDtT1ONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 3CI of 42 JUNE 2Q07 EDITION <br />