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maintaining progress of the Project an schedule and to complete the Work and the Project <br />by the specified Corr-pletion bates. The Contractor shall be prepared to assess. progress of <br />the Wark as required in the Contract Documents and to recommend remedial measures far <br />correction ofi progress as may be appropriate. 'The CMAR shall preside as chairman and <br />arrange for minutes to betaken and circulated. <br />In the event that the prosecution of the Work is, discontinued for any reason, the Confractor <br />shad notify the CMAR at least forty~elght (4$) hours in advance of resuming aperations_ <br />Should the #erms of the Contract Documents require completion of one or more portions of <br />the Wark far the Beneficial Occupancy of the Owner prior to completon of the entire Wartc, <br />the Contractor shall complete such portion(s) of the Work an ar before the date specified. <br />Such completion shalt include the obtaining of all government or other permits, permission, <br />andlor approvals necessary to occupancy. The Contractor shall lndependenfly estimate the <br />difficulties involved in arranging the Work to permit such Beneficial Occupancy and shall <br />not claim any additional compensation or time extension ~by reason of any delay ~ar <br />increased cast due to completing such portion(s) of the Work. The Owner's possession and <br />use of such portion(s) of the Work shall no# be deemed an acceptance of any Work not <br />corhpteted in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Owner shall be responsible for <br />the security, maintenance, utilities, and insurance of all portions of the Work completed and <br />beneficially occupied by the Owner. <br />7.i 2 The Contractor shall pay af- license fees and royaities, and assume alt casts incident to the <br />use of any invention, design process, ar device which is the subject of patent rights ar <br />copyrights held by others, except for inventions, design processes, ar dev'sces specified by <br />the Designer in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shah indemnify and paid harmless <br />the CMAR, the Owner, the Designer, and anyone directly employed by any of them, from <br />and against all claims, damages; losses and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs <br />of defense, arising auf of any infringement ar alleged infringement of such rights during or <br />after completion of the W ark, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any actual <br />or alleged infringement of such rights. <br />7.13 The Contractor shelf secure and pay for all permits; including without limitation construction <br />permits and licenses, and will pay all govemmentai charges and inspection fees necessary <br />far the prosecution of the Wark. <br />7.1~i The Caritractor shall give all notices and comply with ail laws, ordinances, rotes, and <br />regulations appficabie to the Work and shall protect and indemnify the CMAR, the Owner, <br />the Designer, and their respective officials, officers, agents, employees ar servants against <br />any claim or liability arising from or based on the vlolatton of any such Eaw, ordinance, <br />regulation, order, or decree, whether by the Contractor or by the Contractor's employees, <br />Subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, ar the'sr employees. <br />7.15 The Contractor shaEl be responsible for the reasonable and necessary protection and <br />security of its Wark and its property and the property of others at the site, as required by <br />laws or ~ ordinances governing such conditions, or by custom ar sound construction <br />practices, and shalt share such responsibilities far protection of property at the site as may <br />be directed by the Contract Documents and tt,e CMAR. The Contractor shall be <br />responsible far any damage to tfte Owner's property, ar that of others, by the Contractor or <br />the Gontractor's employees, Subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, ar their employees or <br />agents, and shaft make good such damages. The Contractor shall be responsible for and <br />pay for any such claims made against the CMAR or the Owner. <br />7.18 The Contractor shaif comply with the Project Safety Program and Public 1-lazard Control <br />Plan implemented by the CMAR. The Contractor shat! protect existing improvements <br />GENERAt_ CONDiTiONS FOR CM AT RIS1C PROJECT 20 of 42 JUNE 200? EDITION <br />