Agenda - 12-11-2007-4lxtr
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2007
Agenda - 12-11-2007-4lxtr
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environmentat hazards, and make such changes in the drawings and/or Specifications as <br />they may fnd necessary fa abate, remediate, isolate or handle fhe environmental hazards. <br />Any increase or decrease in the Contract Price or the Contract Time resulting from such <br />changes shalt be adjusted in the manner provided herein for adjustments as to extra and/or <br />additional 1Nark and changes, tt is agreed that the Contractor shat) have no liability under <br />this Agreement far any enviranrnental hazards existing at, on or in the Project site prior tcs <br />the date that Work commences under this Agreement unless the Contractor or its <br />Subcontractors, agents or employees, acting alone or in concert with others, by their awn <br />negligence or misconduct, release or expose the Owner ar third parties fa the <br />environmentat hazards_ <br />The provisions of this paragraph 5.q shaft survive the termfnatian or cancellation or <br />completion of this Agreement. <br />ARTiGLE 6. t7THER R)=CORD DOGt1MEN7S AND StltiMiTfAt..S <br />6.'t The CMAR shaft furnish to the Contractor the number of copies of Drawings and <br />Specifications stated in the Supplementary Conditions. Additional copies of Drawings and <br />Specifications may be obtained at the cost of reproduction and handling. <br />6.2 The Contractor shall submit to the CMAR for forwarding to the Designer alt Submittals <br />required by the Contract Documents. 'The Contractor steal! submit four (4} reproducible <br />prints of alt shop drawings plus the number of copies sufficient for its requirements. 'The <br />Contractor shall submit samples in quantities required by the Contrac# Documents. The <br />Contractor shalE submit product data in five (5} copies, plus the number of copies sufficient <br />far the Contractor's requirements. A(I shop drawings shalt be reviewed by the Gan#ractor <br />and shall bear the Contractor's stamp of approval before being forwarded fo the CMAR and <br />_.. _ the Designer, Submittals shaft be submitted in such time as to cause no decay to the Work <br />or any part thereof and in accordance wdh the Contractor's Construction Schedule and <br />Submittal Reg'sster. 't'he CMAR shalt review and process the submittal with reasonable <br />promptness, noting desired corrections, if any. The CMAR shat{ retain three (3} copies of <br />the submittal and shalt return the balance of the reviewed submittal to the Contractor #or <br />• action. The Contractor shall furnish any corrected submittal to the CMAR for forwarding to <br />the Designer. The CMAR shalt retain three (3) copies of the corrected submittal for the <br />records of fhe CMAR and the Designer, and wilt return the balance of the reviewed <br />submittal to the Contractor. <br />Subject to paragraph 6.3 herein, no substitutions will be accepted after the bids have been <br />received. Att substitutions prior to the receipt of bids shaft be in accordance with the <br />Contrae# Documents. <br />The Contractor acknowledges fhat the processing of shop drawings and other submittals is <br />directly impacted by the clarify, completeness, and accuracy of said documents and that rt <br />is the Contractor's responsibility to (i} review and coordinate each submittal with alt other <br />related ar affected Work and (ii} approve each submittal before submitting same to the <br />CMAR for approval. <br />fi.3 No substitutions and no deviations from any requirement of the Contract Documents shall <br />be deemed ai{owed unless the Contractor has~specificatly informed the CMAR in writing of <br />such deviations at the time of submittal and the Designer and the Owner have given written <br />and specific approval to the substitutions or deviations. In proposing a deviation ar <br />substitution, fhe Contractor warrants to the CMAR, notwithstanding any review, allowance <br />ar approval by the Designer or the Owner, #hat the deviation ar substitution is at feast equal <br />to or better in quality and far the purpose intended, and that the Contractor shall not by <br />reason of any such review, allowance or approval be relieved from any obligation or <br />_ responsibility contained in the Contract Documents. ' <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 1fi of 42 JUNE 2dt)7 EDITION <br />
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