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available tiabr7ity purchased specifrcalty to insure the parfnership or jofrd venture. This <br />coverage wilt not inure to the benefit of any ofher party except you." <br />5.5 INDEMMFtCATION <br />The Contractor, to the fullest extent not expressly prohibited by law, shall defend, <br />indemnify, and save harmless the CMRR, the Owner, the Designer, and their respective <br />offictats, officers, emplayees, and agents from and against any and all !'sabilities <br />(foreseeable or unforeseeable), penalties, fines, forfeitures, demands, claims, causes of <br />actions, suits, judgments, and costs and expenses incidental #hereta, (including, without <br />limitation, amounts paid pursuant to investigations, defense ar settlements, and reasonable <br />attorneys' fees), which any or aII of them may hereafter suffer, incur, be responsible for, or <br />.pay out as a result of but not limited ta: <br />a) bodily injury (including sickness, disease, or death} to any person including; but not <br />limited to, the Contractor's employees or 1#s representatives while an the site of the <br />Project; or <br />b) actual or alleged damage (including toss of use) to any property (public or private, <br />including the Project or other property on the Project site); or <br />c) contamination of or adverse effects on the environment arising directly or indirectly out <br />of ar in connection with the performance of the Wank, including but not limited to any <br />hazardous or toxic waste, substance, or constituent of any substance subject to <br />regulation under CERCLA, RGRA, TSCR, and other Federal and state authorities that <br />is spilled, released, threatening to release, or disposed of or destroyed by the <br />Contractor or i€s Subcontractors an or off the site of the Froject or while in transport to <br />or from the site; ar - - ~ • <br />d) any violation or aEleged violation of laws and regulations, aris'sng out of or in any way <br />connected with the Work, <br />caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, any Subcontractor or supplier or any <br />representatives of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be required to indemniify any <br />person against (asses resulting from a breach of contract ar resulting from negligence, <br />. misconduct os violation of caws an the part of any person indemnified hereunder. <br />The Contractor further agrees to obtain, maintain, and pay for such liability insurance <br />coverages and endorsements as will insure the provisions of this paragraph 5.4. <br />Furthermore, the Contractor agrees to be liable For and to indemnify and re'smburse the <br />CMAR and the Owner far alt legal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the <br />provisions of this paragraph 5.4. The indemnification obligations under this paragraph 5.4 <br />shall not be limited in any way by the amount or type of damages, compensation or <br />benefits payable under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts, other <br />employment henefit acts, ar the amount of insurance carried or recovered. <br />The CMAR acknowledges that hazardous ar toxic waste, material, chemicals, compounds <br />or substances, ar other environmental hazards, contamination ar pollution, (referred to <br />hereinafter as "environmental hazards") may be present at the Project site that were not <br />created, generated, or released at the Project site by the Contractor ar its 5ubcontractars, <br />agents or emplayees, acting alone or in concert with others. tJntess the remedia#ion, <br />abatement or handling of such environmental hazards is part of the scope of the Work <br />under this Agreement, then upon the discovery of such environmental hazards, the <br />Contractor sha1E immediately, and in no event more Phan three days after such discovery,. <br />glue pa#ice to the CMAR of the envEronmentat hazards before they are disturbed. The <br />CMAR, the Owner and the designer shaft ihereupan promptly investigate the <br />GENERAL CUNDITION5 FOR GM AT RISK PRO.lECT i5 of 42 JUNE 2t)07 EDlT10N <br />