Orange County NC Website
y <br />Based on mission, vision, core values, goals and initiatives, and budget, identify <br />priority goals, objectives, and actions. <br />Adjust budget and investments accordingly. <br />Estimated Tirne, Cost, and Scheduling <br />Based on the total proposed design, I estimate about 8 days of time, broken out as follows: <br />• Session and facilitation time - 3 days <br />• Consultation, planning, preparation, design and reporting/feedback - 5 days <br />In terms of cost, Leading & Governing charges per day or per unit of work, depending upon <br />the specific client and project. For ongoing work where the time is easier to identify than the <br />specific tasks, I often use a per day fee. My current daily rate is $1650 per day, which <br />covers all consultation, planning, and facilitation, and includes all administrative and <br />operating costs. Alternatively, for work that is more finite or intermittent, such as conference <br />sessions or a stand-alone board workshop, I usually charge per session. My half-day <br />session fees range from $1000 - $3000, and my full-day sessions range from $2500 - <br />$5000. We can discuss the scope of work and cost at your convenience, and I am happy to <br />work with any specific administrative requirements you may have. <br />In terms of scheduling, I prefer to try to schedule whatever we think seems feasible up front, <br />so I can reserve the time and guarantee my availability. <br />About Leading & Governing <br />Established in 2004, we are an education and consulting practice dedicated to strengthening <br />democratic governance and representative government. We work with elected and appointed <br />officials to engage their constituents, communities and each other in problem solving, decision <br />making, policy design, and strategic navigation. Our clients include state and local government, <br />universities, public schools, school boards, and state and national associations. Below are some <br />recent and current clients and projects related to the work we have discussed for Orange County: <br />• Blue Ribbon Commission on the Future of Wake County <br />• Cabarrus County Board-Staff and Countywide Planning <br />• Catawba County Board of Commissioners Retreat <br />• Durham County Board-Staff Planning Retreat <br />• Moore County Strategic Visioning and Directions Initiative <br />• N. C. Association of County Commissioners Strategic Planning Initiative <br />• N. C. League of Municipalities' Strategic Directions Initiative <br />• Special Transit Advisory Commission for North Carolina's Triangle Region <br />• Town of Boone/Watauga County/Appalachian State University Joint Retreat <br />• Town of Chapel Hill Management Team Retreat and Organizational Realignment <br />• UNC-CH School of Government's Advanced Education Initiative for Local Elected Officials <br />• Wake County Board of Education Poiicy Design <br />106 Weathervane Drive <br />Carrboro, North Carolina 27510 <br />Office: 919.918.7067 Mobile: 919.260.4084 <br />Email: ~boyle( Web: www <br />TIN: 20-1443348 <br />3 <br />