Orange County NC Website
<br />Uberty <br />'~"~ ~ LEADING AND GQVERNING ASSOCIATES <br />Equality <br />Prosperity <br />Strategic Direction and Policy Navigation for Orange County <br />Draft 8/22/07 <br />Purpose <br />1. Enhance the county's capacity to identify strategic directions, goals, and priorities. <br />2. Use these to help the board and staff navigate the best possible balance among <br />multiple county needs and interests. <br />Goals and Outcomes <br />1. Engage board and staff members in a collaborative planning process to create a <br />greater shared understanding of the issues and challenges facing the county and <br />county government today and a shared sense of direction about tomorrow. <br />2. Refine the mission, vision, core values, and guiding principles of county government <br />to help focus on core county functions and help distinguish between what the county <br />must do, should do, and could do. <br />3. Jointly chart a strategic direction for the county by identifying countywide goals, <br />integrating board and staff goals, and connecting departmental goals to broader <br />county goals. <br />4. Strengthen communication, relationships, and the governing partnership between <br />board members and staff. <br />5. Create a living document that can serve as a strategic guide for planning, focusing, <br />organizing, and communicating the work of county government. <br />Proposed Process and Tasks <br />Step 1-Navigating Political Interests and Policy Choices (% day session + % day <br />,~`~+~ preparation) <br />~ ~ Define the board's vision of the "good life" in Orange County <br />~~ <br />i-'l I' Identify driving forces and challenges to the board's vision of the good life. <br />• Practice using board tools and processes for navigating policy issues, balancing <br />choices, and making collective decisions. <br />Step 2 -Strategic Conversations (7 day session + 7 day preparation) <br />• Develop a shared understanding of county government and its challenges. <br />• Define the county's mission, vision, and core values. <br />• Address how the board and staff can best respond to these challenges and fulfill the <br />county's mission and vision. <br />