Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> ~:a3 <br />to convene on the 21~th day of Aur,ust, 1953 be cancel le d: <br />iQOSI, THEREFORE, The 3oard of Commis si onors of Orange County, being of <br />the opinion thet it would be to the best interest o£ Orangc County and its <br />citizens to cancel the seid term of court which is set to begin on th© 2Lth <br />dey of August, 1953, do hereby re spectrally ask end reeuest the Honorable <br />17. A.. Devin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Ceroline, to cancel <br />the seid term of court for the re es ons hereinbefore set forth. <br />It is ordered thet e certified cony of this resolution be submitted to <br />the said Chief Justice. <br />Unon motion of Commissioner Hobbs, seconded by Commie stoner Etland, <br />the firm of Graham & LeGrflnd nes appointed County 9ttorney co 5311 the un- <br />expired term of Grahem & Exkr idge. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Efla nd, seconded by Commissioner Hobos, it <br />wes ordered that i.Siss Retty June Heyes be oeid F10.C0 "or expon ses for attend <br />ing the Register of Deeds Convention in Chepel Hill held June ll_-15, 1953• <br />Thera being no further business, upon motion, edf ourned to neat at <br />7: 3o r..:., August z5, 1953• <br />S. E. Lars <br />Clerk to ''oard <br />R. 0. Forrest <br />Cheirmen of 3oard ' <br />C <br />C <br />