Orange County NC Website
9 <br />c) Incentives <br />1. Fast track permit processing and partial fee waivers or rebates for compliant <br />green building projects and/or alternative power systems (solar, wind). <br />2. Recognition of private builders and developers who voluntarily opt to build green. <br />a. Such recognition could include a listing of green buildings at Inspections <br />Department (e.g. `Green Building Wall of Fame' in Inspections <br />Department) and/or, <br />b. Recognition as Green Builders on the Orange County Inspections <br />Website. <br />c. `Orange Turning Green' sign located on building site. <br />3. Hosting or sponsoring an annual `Orange County Green Building tour'. <br />d) Education <br />1. Provide `building green' educational opportunities for staff. <br />2. Provide funding for `building green' education programs through the budgetary <br />process and or through grants to fund education and marketing programs for <br />`Orange Turning Green' initiative. <br />3. Green education program implemented in 2008 and provided through Planning <br />and Inspections utilizing trained staff and local professionals with expertise in <br />`green' building guidelines. <br />4. Orange County would sponsor green educational program in 2008 to target <br />builders, developers, remodelers, architects, engineers, residential designers, <br />real estate professionals and the public. This education component would be <br />funded through grants. <br />