Orange County NC Website
5. A good-faith effort to comply with historically underutilized business participation requirements <br /> (NCGS 143-128.2, NCGS 143-128.4), and to recruit and select small business entities. <br /> The design-build delivery method may be used if it is determined that, for the project, <br /> requirements will be imposed which ensure that contractors will comply with the MNVBE goals <br /> adopted by the Board of Commissioners. <br /> 6. The criteria utilized by the County, including a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages <br /> of using the design-build delivery method in lieu of traditional construction and bidding methods. <br /> The criteria utilized by Orange County when considering Design-Build delivery method for each <br /> project are as follows: <br /> 1. The project is well defined, including qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and possesses <br /> one or more unique element that would benefit from the design-build delivery method; <br /> 2. The project timeline is an important factor in making the facility operational within a short <br /> timeframe so as not to excessively burden County operations; <br /> 3. The County has experienced staff and adequate resources to assure that a high quality project <br /> can be delivered within the budget appropriated by the Board of Orange County <br /> Commissioners; <br /> 4. There is a maximum budget that must be adhered to in order to allow negotiations and flexibility <br /> to make appropriate decisions on scope as the project progresses; <br /> 5. It will be necessary to have partial occupancy of a portion of the facility and/or site while the <br /> project construction is ongoing; <br /> 6. The project requires good-faith efforts to comply with historically underutilized business <br /> participation requirements (NCGS 143-128.2, NCGS 143-128.4), and to recruit and select small <br /> business entities; <br /> 7. As a result of a more integrated, fluid and flexible delivery process, the design-build delivery <br /> method meets the operational goals established for the facility, the desired level of quality of the <br /> finished product, and is a comparatively more desirable delivery method over traditional <br /> construction and bidding methods. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of range Cou Qommissioners that this <br /> solution i ective'upon approval. Upon motion by 601 ecorjded by <br /> foregoing resolution was adopted this the day of <br /> 2015. <br />