Orange County NC Website
<br />DRAFT - SEP, 17, 2007 <br />Memorandum of Agreement between Leading and Governing Associates, <br />Inc.. and Orange County <br />To: Laura Blackmon, County Manager <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />P.O. Box 8'I$1 <br />Hillsborough, NC .27278 <br />From: ('hillip Boyle, Leading and Governing Associates, Inc. <br />Re: Strategic Direction and. Navigation for Orange County <br />Date: September 17, 2007 <br />Leading and Governing Associates, Inc. agrees to assist Grange County in addressing. <br />strategic directions and priorities. Based on our planning discussions, Leading and <br />Governing would work with the county board and,staff,to: <br />1. Enhance the county's capacity to identify strategic directions, goals, and priorities to <br />help the board and staff navigate the,best,possible balance among multiple county <br />needs and interests. <br />2. Engage board and staff members in a collaborative planning process to create a <br />greater shared understanding of the issues and challenges facing'the county:and <br />county government today and a shared sense of direction about tomorrow. <br />3. Refine the mission, vision, core values, :anal guiding principles of county government <br />to help focus on core county functions and help distinguish .between what the' county <br />must do, should do, and could do. <br />4. Jointly chart a strategic direction for the county by identifying countywide goals, <br />integrating board and staff goats, and connecting departmental goals fio broader. <br />county goals and create a living document that can serve as a strategic guide for.. <br />planning, focusing, organizing, and communicating the work of county government. <br />`5. Strengthen the governing partnership among board .members and between board <br />members and staff. <br />The,praposed process and tasks include: <br />• Step 1 -.Address the board's strategic leadership role'in addressing policy issues and <br />choices on behalf of the public good. <br />• Step 2 - Develop a shared understanding. of county government-and its mission, <br />vision, care values,. and challenges. <br />• Step 3 -Engage the board and'staff in identifying issues and needs, challenges and <br />choices facing the county,, and priorities and actions that can then serve as platforms <br />for jointly developing countywide goals. <br />