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2 <br />The revision directs the County Manager to develop Administrative Rules and Regulations <br />consistent with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, its implementing regulations and state law <br />that provide guidance to staff to comply not only with the Act, but also with the Personnel <br />Ordinance. Therefore, in addition to the revision to the Ordinance, Staff also drafted proposed <br />Administrative Rules and Regulations for the overtime compensation section of the Personnel <br />Ordinance. (See Attachment 3, Administrative Rules and Regulations.) <br />Both the revision to the Ordinance and a copy of the Administrative Rules and Regulations were <br />provided to the County Manager, the County Attorney, Department Directors and appropriate <br />staff members for review. After receiving feedback, Staff met with interested individuals to <br />respond to their questions and concerns. Everyone received responses to their questions and <br />concerns verbally, in writing and with the use of examples. (See Attachment 4 and 5.) In <br />instances where the document could be modified, suggested changes where incorporated to <br />ensure efficiencies and best practices. Meetings were then held again with all the persons <br />mentioned above to discuss the resulting documents. The proposals before the Board <br />represent the documents that resulted from that review process. <br />The revision to the Overtime Compensation section of the Ordinance is a comprehensive <br />revision. The Administrative Rules and Regulations developed are consistent with the language <br />in the Fair Labor Standards Act, its implementing regulations in the Code of Federal Register <br />and state law. The Rules and Regulations do not represent a change in what the County, as an <br />employer, is required to do; it only clarifies, articulates and codifies it. <br />The proposed revisions would allow the County Manager the administrative flexibility to carry <br />out the will of the Board through the development of rules and regulations that are consistent <br />with local, state and federal law and in particular consistent with the Fair Labor Standards Act, <br />which governs overtime compensation. <br />Staff recommends that the Board receive the report on the revision to the Article III, Section 3.0 <br />of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance: <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with receiving the information on the proposed <br />revision to the Personnel Ordinance. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the Report on <br />Article III, Section 3.0 of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance and the Administrative Rules <br />and Regulations for that section of the Personnel Ordinance. <br />