Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Page 2 of 2 Susan Halkiotis <br /> My previous experience representing the citizens of Orange County on OC Board of Education <br /> and the numerous committees/commissions that I served on provide me with a unique <br /> perspective of the numerous issues and needs to be considered when making and applying <br /> policy decisions. <br /> What unique perspective can you bring to the Orange County Board of Adjustment? <br /> I am a rural resident who has lived in OC most of my life and therefore have the historical <br /> perspective of change in OC --from the initial implementation of zoning to economic <br /> development districts to population growth. Perhaps more importantly, I feel that I am very <br /> capable of reaching a fair decision after considering all elements of a problem. <br /> What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br /> accomplish if appointed? <br /> Basically, I see the citizen board offering a system of checks and balances to the application of <br /> county land use policies. My role would be to offer a fair and considerate non-governmental <br /> perspective. <br /> What do you consider to be be the most important issues facing Orange County related <br /> to growth? <br /> Without question, I believe the most important issue regarding growth is providing the necessary <br /> infrastructure (schools, roads, water, etc)to accommodate the growing population. Beyond that, <br /> protecting our water supply, preserving openspace, avoiding congestion, are all concerns. <br /> What role should the Board of Adjustment take in guiding and regulating growth? <br /> I believe that the board should strive to support the adopted land use plan and other regulations <br /> that are meant to ensure clean, non-polluting enterprises. <br /> How would you, as a member of the Planning Board, contribute to the implementation of <br /> the Board of Commissioners'adopted Goals and Priorities? <br /> The operation and function of the Board of Adjustment affects all six goals -ensuring an <br /> adequate infrastructure, demonstrating transparency, balanced and sustainable growth, <br /> supporting quality county facilities, protecting natural resources, promoting quality of life issues. <br /> All of these are directly or indirectly related to the work--and decisions --of the board. My role <br /> as a member would be to reach decisions that are compatible and supportive of these goals. <br /> Other Comments: <br /> Recommended by OC Board of Education for Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. <br /> for Community College Task Force. Chair of Orange County Board of <br /> Education. Her email address changed eff. 4/27/00 to susan.halkiotis <br /> Updated 01/27/2015. <br /> This application was current on: 1/27/2015 Date Printed: 1/27/2015 <br />