Orange County NC Website
acquire the approval from not only its own Board of Directors (fhis has already been <br />accomplished) but also the approval of the elected boards of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange <br />County. However, in terms of this particular situation, OWASA staff believes that the potential <br />negative effects of Durham's request have already been offset by the fact that Durham has <br />previously agreed to accept wastewater flows and nutrient loads from Orange County's Piney <br />Mountain Subivision (which has almost the exact same number of residential customers). <br />OWASA requested that this item be included on the agenda for the September 20, 2007 <br />meeting of the Assembly of Governments. The proposal was discussed at that meeting. The <br />substance of those discussions is reflected in the attached minutes. The OWASA Board <br />strongly supports the request of Durham and is now asking the governing boards of Orange <br />County, Town of Chapel Hill and .Town of Carrboro to consider and formally authorize OWASA <br />to provide this service. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact to either Orange County or OWASA <br />customers. Capital costs will be paid by the developer/City of Durham and sewer service costs <br />will be paid through the City of Durham by the homeowners of Bleinheim Woods. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOCC authorize OWASA to <br />accept wastewater flow from the Blenheim Woods subdivision. <br />