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DocuSign Envelope ID:622E9DC1-8F03-4B1 C-AA8A-1 1 C1 D46D7FEA <br /> CG 72 88 11 11 <br /> 2. The coverage provided by this SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS <br /> endorsement does not apply to SECTION l — COVERAGES, SUPPLEMEN- <br /> property damage" included in the TARY PAYMENTS— COVERAGES A AND B is <br /> products-completed operations amended as follows: <br /> hazard". 1, 1.b. replaced with: <br /> Limit of Insurance - The most we will pay b. Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bonds <br /> for "property damage" provided by this required because of accidents or traffic <br /> coverage in any one"occurrence"is$5,000. law violations arising out of the use of <br /> Deductible - Our obligation to pay for a any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury <br /> covered loss applies only to the amount of Liability Coverage applies. We do not <br /> loss in excess of$250, have to furnish these bonds. <br /> This insurance is excess over any other valid 2. 1.d. replaced with: <br /> and collectible insurance. d. Afil reasonable expenses incurred by the <br /> DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU in at our request to assist us in the <br /> SECTION I — COVERAGES, COVERAGE A investigation or defense of the claim or <br /> BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE suit", including actual loss of earnings <br /> LIABILITY, the last paragraph of 2. Exclusions up to $500 a day because of time off <br /> of is replaced by the following: from work. <br /> If Damage to Premises Rented to You is NEWLY FORMED AND ACQUIRED <br /> not otherwise excluded!, exclusions c. ORGANIZATIONS <br /> through n. do not apply to damage by fire, SECTION It — WHO IS AN INSURED is <br /> lightning, explosion, smoke or sprinkler amended as follows-. <br /> leakage to premises while rented to you or 1. 3.a.,is replaced' <br /> temporarily occupied by you with permission <br /> of the owner. A separate limit of insurance a. Coverage under this h provision is <br /> applies to this coverage as described in afforded only until the 180' day after you <br /> Section III-Limits of Insurance. acquire or form the organization or the <br /> SECTION III — LIMITS OF INSURANCE, end of the policy period, whichever is <br /> paragraph 6 is replaced with: earlier;, <br /> 6. Subject to, 5. above, the Damage To ADDITIONAL INSURED — WHEN REOUIREID <br /> Premises Rented To You Limit is the most IN AN AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITH <br /> we will pay under Coverage A for damages YOU <br /> because of "property damage" to any one The following is added to SECTION 11—WHO IS <br /> premises,while rented to you,or in the case AN INSURED <br /> of damage by fire, lightning, explosion, 4. Any person(s) or organization(s) with whom <br /> smoke or sprinkler leakage, while rented to you have agreed in a valid written contract or <br /> you or temporarily occupied by you with written agreement that such person or <br /> permission of the owner. The limit is organization be added as an additional <br /> increased to$300,000, insured on your policy during the policy <br /> SECTION IV — COMMERCIAI... GENERAL period shown in the Declarations, Such <br /> LIABILITY CONDITIONS, 4, Other Insurance, person or organization is an additional <br /> b. Excess Insurance (1) (a) (if) is replaced insured only with respect to liability for <br /> "bodily injury", "property damage" or <br /> with� "personal and advertising injury". <br /> (11) That is Fire, Lightning, Explosion, The person or organization, added as an <br /> Smoke or Sprinkler leakage insurance insured by this endorsement is an insured <br /> for premises rented to you or temporarily only to the extent you are held liable due to: <br /> occupied by you with permission of the <br /> owner. <br /> Page 2 of 4 Includes copyrighted material of insurance Services Office, Inc., CG 72 88 11 11 <br /> with its permission, <br />