Orange County NC Website
After considerable staff level discussion and reflection, the County Manager is requesting that <br />the BOCC review the proposed options and determine the direction staff should follow. It is the <br />Manager's recommendation that the BOCC proceed with Option 2, the immediate Issuance of a <br />Request for Proposals due to the likelihood that it would offer the County the most <br />comprehensive and timely opportunity to ascertain and competitively evaluate legitimate LFG <br />development opportunities, validate serious, motivated, and interested parties, and also not <br />preclude the University from submitting its own project plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact relative to discussing the options. <br />However, there could be expense related to implementation of any of the options, and possibly <br />revenue to the County, depending on project specific economics. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board direct staff to pursue <br />Option 2: Develop and issue a Request for Proposals to solicit entities to submit proposals and <br />project economics for development of an LFG recovery project at the Orange County Landfill, <br />including urging UNC to participate. <br />