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next three year cycle which will be effective July 2008. The Department would need to submit a <br />proposal during that timeframe in order to manage the Smart Start subsidy program. <br />Since this action advances the goals of the Child Care Task Force, the Social Services Board <br />requests that the DSS Director be authorized to submit any applications or bids necessary to <br />compete in this process. By combining administrative functions, funds now used for <br />administration could be provided for subsidy which will meet the Task Force goals of providing <br />subsidy to more families and reducing the wait time for subsidy. The Director should work with <br />all funding sources to assure that any savings realized by this change are reinvested in direct <br />subsidy payments for children. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact in accepting the report from the Social <br />Services Board. If the Department of Social Services is authorized to submit a bid to administer <br />Smart Start subsidy funds, any costs for the additional positions will be paid with Smart Start <br />funds. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the report, accept <br />the four goals and, authorize the Social Services Director to submit a competitive bid for <br />administering the Smart Start subsidy program. <br />