Orange County NC Website
~a <br />ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP <br />SECTION 1. NUMBER AND QUALIFICATIONS. The Commission shall be composed of <br />twenty (20) Orange County residents appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The <br />Commission seeks a diverse membership representative of the population of Orange County. <br />The Commission shall recommend potential members to the Board of County Commissioners for <br />appointment. <br />SECTION 2. TERM OF MEMBERSHIP. The term of appointment shall be three (3) years, <br />beginning July l and ending June 30. Vacancies resulting from a cause other than expiration of <br />term shall be filled only with the unexpired portion of that term. If the term of appointment is <br />filled, members are eligible to apply for reappointment. In accordance with Board of County <br />Commissioner policy, the length of service on this board is limited to two-three year terms. <br />SECTION 3. DISTRIBUTION. Distribution of Commission membership should be as <br />follows: at least five (5) members shall reside in Chapel Hill Township; at least three (3) from <br />Hillsborough Township; and at least five (5) from Eno, Little River, Cheeks, Cedar Grove and <br />Bingham collectively. The remaining seven (7) positions shall be from any township in Orange <br />County, with representation sought from all Townships. <br />SECTION 4. APPOINTMENT PROCESS. Applications for membership to the CFW <br />are made to the Board of County Commissioners through the Clerk's office. The Clerk to the <br />BOCC forwards applications to staff designated to the Commission for Women and staff sends <br />information to the Commission for Women. The CFW shall recommend potential members for <br />appointment as vacancies become available. These recommendations shall be forwarded to the <br />BOCC by staff. <br />SECTION 5. REMOVAL of MEMBERS. Members are expected to attend each regularly <br />scheduled meeting. In the event of extenuating circumstances preventing attendance, member <br />shall call or email CFW Staff about said absence. The CFW will ask the member to resign or <br />recommend to the BOCC that they terminate the appointment of such member, if absences are <br />deemed excessive in accordance with BOCC policies and procedures for advisory Boards and <br />Commissions. <br />ARTICLE V. OFFICERS <br />SECTION 1. NUMBER, TENURE, QUALIFICATIONS. The Commission shall elect a Chair, <br />Vice Chair, and a Membership Chair. Officers shall be members of the Commission. The term <br />of office for all officers shall be for one (1) year beginning July 1, and ending in June. Unless <br />removed for cause or through resignation, elected officers shall remain in office until their <br />successors are qualified and elected. Officers may not serve successive terms of the same office. <br />SECTION 2. DUTIES. Duties of the officers are as follows: <br />CxAIx: shall call and preside at Commission meetings; appoint committees and <br />committee officers; serve as an ex-officio member of all committees; the chair shall <br />... ............ ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................:............................................................................... <br />CFW Bylaws PROPOSED AMENDED 12/03/07 Page 3 of 7 <br />