Orange County NC Website
Ia <br />~ Y I.1'~ lI~ S [PROPOSED AMENDED 12.3.2007] <br />ARTICLE I. ORGANIZATION <br />SECTION 1. NAME. The name of this organization shall be the Orange County <br />Commission for Women (CFW). <br />SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. The Commission for Women derives its authority from the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners through their action taken on March 25, 1976. <br />SECTION 3. TERM. The Commission year shall coincide with the twelve-(12) month <br />period beginning July 1 and ending on June 30. <br />ARTICLE Ii. MISSION & VALUES <br />The mission of the Orange County Commission for Women is to empower women and girls, and <br />promote their equality in all spheres of life through advocacy, education, and outreach activities. <br />One way in which we carry out that mission is by building coalitions with, and acting as allies <br />for, disadvantaged groups. <br />We Value: <br />Working to end all forms of oppression and discrimination based on sex, gender, age, <br />sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, legal <br />status, physical and mental ability, social and economic class, educational status, and <br />health status. <br />Maintaining and improving women's and girls' physical and mental health, including the <br />promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, universal access to health-care services, <br />and measures to .prevent and effectively deal with gender-based and domestic <br />violence. <br />Improving the availability, accessibility, and affordability of high quality childcare. <br />Increasing women's and girls' educational opportunities and access to well-funded public <br />education institutions. <br />Assuring women's admission to job training, and ensuring women's job security and <br />equal pay regardless of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, <br />and age. <br />Guaranteeing that caregivers, who are predominately women, have the community and <br />county services and support needed to provide high quality services. <br />CFW Bylaws PROPOSED AMErvnEn 12/03/07 Pagel o <br />