<br />Order, not othe rvri se provided for, whether signed by judge or clerk,
<br />fifty cents ($0¢).
<br />rive percent commissions shall be elloc+ad the clerk on all Tines, -
<br />pennlties, amercements, and taxes paid the clerk by virtue of his office; i
<br />and three percent on ell sums of money not exceeding five hundred dollars
<br />placed in his hands by virtue of his office, except on judgments, decrees, -""
<br />execution and daposi is under article three of chapter fifty-four; and upon
<br />the excess over five hundred dollars of such svm, one percent.
<br />Partnership or assumed named ce rt ificata, filing and indexing, one
<br />dollar (51.00).
<br />Permit to purchase or roceive weapon, fifty cents ($0~).
<br />Photogrnnher's bond (or other bond of sim'Aar nature), filing and
<br />indexing, two dollars (52.00).
<br />Postage, actual amount expended.
<br />Prenai.ring bill of cost, fifty cants (50~).
<br />Pre sentmeat, sixty cents (60¢) each defendant.
<br />Probete of any instrusent (except will), twenty-five cents (2$~).
<br />Probete of chattel mortgage and conditional sales agreement, twenty-
<br />five cents (25~).
<br />Probete of vrill where there is no evalification, one dollar ($1.00).
<br />Recording of all records photographed, not elsewhere provided for in
<br />this bill, fifty coats (50~) per page.
<br />A "pago" for nhotogranhing i.s defi.nod as ¢ sheet not more than 8~' X 14°
<br />in size.
<br />Recognizance: 1'lhera no bond is taken, trrenty five coats (2$~) for each -}
<br />i
<br />person.
<br />J
<br />Recording cornoreti on cartific ate, certificate of crodit union or
<br />ca'-t ificete of cooperative association, thrso dollars (~~3.00), plus fifty
<br />cents ($0~) for each page or fraction thereof in excess of Tour, certificate
<br />o" Secretary of State to be considered a oege.
<br />Recording end indexing amendment to corporation certi finate, certificate
<br />of credit union or certif icete of cooperative association, the same fee as
<br />that of the original of these cartific rtes.
<br />Recording ar copying pavers: >rxcent es oth ercrl se provided 1n this Act,
<br />forty cents (L0~) per copy sheet.
<br />Recording trans criets from justice of peace, fifty cants ($0~).
<br />Renunciation of right to quality es edministrato r, exa cut or, or guardian,
<br />fifty cents (50¢).
<br />flestoring maiden name after ¢bsolute divorce, one dollar (51.00).
<br />Seal of Orfice, twenty-five cents (25~)•
<br />Steaogranher, court where used only, the f ee shall bo Siva dollars (5$.00
<br />per one half day or frec tional part thereof. A one -ha1S day is defined as
<br />i'that period or part of period before the noon recess; that period after tho
<br />noon recess and before the recess for the ovening meal shall be considered a
<br />second half d¢y and that period after the recess for the evening meal if the
<br />court is Sn session and the eteaographer used shall bo considered e third
<br />half day."
<br />Subpoena, fifteen cents (15¢) for each rri tress named therein.
<br />Substitution of trustee in deed of trust or trust indenture, ono dollar
<br />(51.00) end no additional feo for probate shall be charged.
<br />Summons, in civil ec tion and special proceeding, regerdle ss of number J
<br />of defendants, one dollar (Sl.OO).
<br />gvery copy of same, twenty five cents (2$~).
<br />Taking bond and justification of surety thereon, one dollar 01.00).
<br />Vlarrant, issuing, ova dollar (51.00).
<br />Plill, recording of, fifty cents (50¢) per pega> in excess of 4.
<br />