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parking improvements and also request more funding to complete the park project. She said <br /> staff would work with the community this summer to find some temporary parking for the park. <br /> She said it is her recommendation to have the $100,000 stay in the CIP as a placeholder for <br /> the project, and to come back in the fall to ask for a more definite amount. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the project will be held to no more than $100,000. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said no, rather there is $100,000 set aside for the project currently <br /> with the expectation of more money being requested in the fall. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if these conversations will include the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the final costs are known. <br /> David Stancil, Director, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation <br /> (DEAPR), said there is a range of different options but to do what is in the master plan would <br /> be $350,000 and beyond. He said any of the options would require a Conditional Use Permit <br /> (CUP) modification from the Town of Hillsborough, which will take a few months. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the parking would be paved or gravel. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said paved. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the users of the park will be informed that the Board and <br /> staff are working on an expansion of the parking. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it would be ideal to have a five minute report on the history <br /> of this park at the Board's next meeting. <br /> Chair McKee asked if current users can be surveyed to find out what the parking <br /> situation is now. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said yes. She said pictures can also be taken. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier for <br /> the Board to accept and approve the FY2015-20 Orange County Five-Year Capital Investment <br /> Plan, and approve funding for FY2015-16, as stated in Attachment 2, Year 1 (FY 2015-16) in <br /> the Capital Investment Plan; and adopt the FY2015-16 County Capital projects as stated in <br /> Attachment 3 and FY 2015-16 School Capital projects as stated in Attachment 4. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Price thanked the Board for turning this item <br /> around so quickly. <br /> a. Approval of Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget Ordinance, County Grant Projects, and <br /> County Fee Schedule <br /> The Board considered approving and adopting the FY2015-16 Budget Ordinance, the <br /> FY2015-16 County Grant Projects, and the FY2015-16 County Fee Schedule, consistent with <br /> the parameters outlined in the Board's "Resolution of Intent to Adopt the FY2015-16 Orange <br /> County Budget". <br /> Paul Laughton reviewed each item and noted the changes. <br /> Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2015-16 <br /> Orange County Budget <br /> The items outlined below summarize decisions that the Board acted upon June 11, 2015 in <br /> approving the FY2015-16 Orange County Annual Operating Budget. <br />