Orange County NC Website
The Board approved a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, adopting the Eno-Haw <br /> Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by the North Carolina Division of Emergency <br /> Management and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> k. Propane Vehicle Conversion and Refueling Grant Acceptance and Approval of Budget <br /> Amendment#10-113 <br /> The Board: 1) approved a NC Clean Energy and Technology Center grant and authorized the <br /> Manager to sign the contract, 2) approved Budget Amendment#10-B, to convert 19 vehicles to <br /> run on propane and install the necessary propane fueling infrastructure, and 3) instructed staff <br /> to proceed with this project. <br /> I. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Report <br /> The Board received the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) Draft Bicycle and <br /> Pedestrian Safety Report and directed staff to: 1. Review the list of recommended actions in <br /> Charge 5 of the Report with regard to financial costs, staffing capabilities, and required <br /> coordination with other agencies/entities; and 2. Return to the Board of Commissioners in fall <br /> 2015 with information relevant to implementing the lists of actions suggested in Charge 5 of <br /> the Report. <br /> m. Authorization for County Manager to Award Buckhorn Mebane Sewer Phase 2 <br /> Extension Construction Contract and Professional Services Agreement <br /> The Board authorized the Manager to: 1) Award the bid and, upon County Attorney review, <br /> execute the construction contract for the Buckhorn Mebane Sewer Phase 2 Extension project <br /> during the summer break in an amount not to exceed the project budget; 2) Execute, upon <br /> County Attorney review, a professional services contract with an engineering firm over the <br /> summer break for construction contract administration and engineering inspections within the <br /> project budget; and 3) Approve project change orders that do not in total exceed the project <br /> budget. <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br /> b. Approval of the Five-Year Capital Investment Plan and Adoption of the Orange <br /> County CIP Projects of$22,793,345 for FY2015-16 <br /> The Board considered accepting and approving the FY2015-20 Orange County Five- <br /> Year Capital Investment Plan, and adopting the Orange County CIP Projects of$22,793,345 <br /> for FY 2015-16. <br /> Paul Laughton, Orange County Finance Administrative Services, said Attachment 1 <br /> showed revisions from the June 11, 2015 meeting, with changes highlighted in yellow. He said <br /> there is also included a new project for 2015-16 in the amount of$100,000 for Fairview Park <br /> for access and parking improvements. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the Board brought up Fairview Park for discussion at the June <br /> 11 meeting. She said the Master Plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners <br /> (BOCC) in 2006 and a revised plan was approved in 2010. She said Phase one of the plan <br /> was completed in 2011 and Phase two of the master plan was not included in the CIP. She <br /> said Commissioner Price brought up the issue of insufficient parking earlier this year and she, <br /> staff and the Town of Hillsborough have been meeting since that time regarding the issue. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said Commissioner Jacobs asked for Fairview Park to be included <br /> in the 2015-16 CIP in the amount of$100,000. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff met about this issue and determined that over the <br /> summer staff would begin the schematic design phase of the project. She said a schematic <br /> design is a requirement whenever substantial paving or construction is planned. She said it is <br /> hoped that by early fall staff can present options to the Board of County Commissioners about <br />