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A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> adopt the Statement of Consistency, contained within Attachment 2, and the Ordinance <br /> amending the UDO contained within Attachment 3, as recommended by the Planning Board <br /> and staff. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the Board is allowed to hold this item open for <br /> additional public comments. <br /> John Roberts said if the board had not closed the public hearing it could have been <br /> continued to a date and time certain. He said as the Board did close the public hearing, he <br /> would advise not to try and re-open this hearing now. <br /> Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning and Inspections Director, said amendments <br /> will be brought back to the Board and staff will be trying a new process going forward. He said <br /> this may be one of the last amendments made under the old process. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the applicant has been informed of the addition of the <br /> bond language. <br /> Michael Harvey said there is no applicant, but staff was directed by the Board to bring <br /> back this amendment. He said there were interested property owners. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if those interested property owners were at the Planning <br /> Board meetings. <br /> Michael Harvey said no. <br /> Commissioner Price said she agreed with Commissioner Dorosin and his comments but <br /> does not want to hold this issue up again. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he has reluctance about this item because he sees this as <br /> an incremental step forward and he wondered if this is enough of a change to make any <br /> difference. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he finds the bond issue to be substantive enough of a <br /> change that the public should have been given a chance to respond. He said he would like to <br /> review the amendment in 6 months to see if it is working and if anyone is using it. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs agreed to re-visit this process and said she will be supporting <br /> this motion because in their public hearings that these systems can be a net gain. <br /> Chair McKee agreed that the Board should review this change in 6 to 12 months. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5 (Chair McKee, Commissioner Pelissier, Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner <br /> Price, and Commissioner Burroughs); Nayes, 2 (Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner <br /> Rich) <br /> Motion Passes <br /> 6. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> NONE <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> approve the remaining items on the consent agenda. <br />