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sessions but the BOCC should look at these applicants and how they may move Durham Tech <br /> forward. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is an executive summary of the Durham Tech <br /> strategic plan that the Board can review before appointing. He said he would second <br /> Commissioner Dorosin's suggestion of selecting an applicant tonight. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked Commissioner Rich if the appointment was delayed, <br /> would she want to not consider the existing list of applicants. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she would certainly consider those applicants. She said she <br /> made a motion for the delay as she feels uninformed regarding the current status and needs of <br /> Durham Tech and would like to be better informed before making an appointment to their <br /> Board of Trustees. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he does not like the idea of advertising for a position, <br /> getting a list of names and then being critical of the process when it comes time to make the <br /> actual appointment. He said this is problematic and not transparent. <br /> Commissioner Rich said certain boards need to be treated differently and sometimes <br /> more information is needed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> appoint Gerald Ponder to this position since Durham Tech is trying to erase the stigma of two <br /> year colleges and Mr. Ponder is an educator at a four year university. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin to appoint Susanne Haff to this position. <br /> Chair McKee asked John Roberts for procedural guidance. <br /> John Roberts said the rules of procedure do not discuss substitute motions but rather <br /> amendments to a motion when it is completely replacing the original motion. He said there can <br /> be two amendments. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin to appoint Susanne Haff to this position. <br /> Motion failed due to lack of second. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said since the motion on the floor has to do with deferring <br /> nominations then he will withdraw his second so Commissioner Price can open the floor to <br /> nominations. <br /> Commissioner Price withdrew her previous motion and made a motion to open the floor <br /> to nominations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs seconded. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 3 (Commissioner Jacobs, Commissioner Price, and Commissioner Dorosin); <br /> Nayes, 4 (Chair McKee, Commissioner Pelissier, Commissioner Burroughs and Commissioner <br /> Rich) <br /> Motion Failed <br /> The Board returned to Commissioner Rich's original motion to delay this appointment to <br /> the second regular meeting in September. <br /> Chair McKee asked for a friendly amendment to have the Durham Tech Strategic Plan <br /> provided to the Commissioners during the summer break, for Commissioner Price and <br /> Commissioner Jacobs to pursue applicants and any additional relevant information over the <br />